1 <% 
  2 '生成各种圖型的png圖片
  3 class owc
  4     private o
  5     private PicType
  7     '創建時自動create owc
  8     Private Sub Class_Initialize()
  9         set o=Server.CreateObject("OWC11.ChartSpace")
 10         PicType = "PNG"'生成的圖片格式
 11     End Sub
 12     '實例終止時自動設為nothing
 13     Private Sub Class_Terminate
 14         set o=nothing
 15     End Sub
 16     '畫圖矩形圖
 17     'chart_bgcolor_圖表的背景顏色
 18     'chartCaption_圖表的標題
 19     'chartCaption_fontColor_圖表標題顏色
 20     'Interior_Color_矩形內的填充顏色
 21     'Caption_名稱
 22     'categories_名稱數組
 23     'values_值數組串
 24     public sub bar(chart_bgcolor_,chartCaption_,chartCaption_fontColor_,Interior_Color_,Caption_,categories_,values_,width_,height_)
 25         On Error Resume Next
 26         Response.Expires = 0
 27         Response.Buffer = True
 28         Response.Clear
 29         o.Clear
 30         set cht = o.Charts.Add
 31         set c = o.Constants
 32         cht.Type = c.chChartTypeColumnClustered
 33         '設背景色或是填充
 34         o.Charts(0).PlotArea.Interior.SetSolid chart_bgcolor_
 36         '加上圖表的標題
 37         o.HasChartSpaceTitle = True
 38         set cst=o.ChartSpaceTitle
 39         cst.Caption = chartCaption_
 40         cst.Font.Color = chartCaption_fontColor_
 41         cst.Font.Italic = False
 42         cst.Font.Name = "Arial"
 43         cst.Font.Size = 12
 44         cst.Font.Underline = c.owcUnderlineStyleSingle    
 46         '添加數據
 47         cht.SetData c.chDimCategories, c.chDataLiteral, categories_
 48         cht.SeriesCollection(0).SetData c.chDimValues, c.chDataLiteral, values_
 49         '直條的背景色進行設定
 50         set sc=o.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0)
 51         sc.Interior.Color=Interior_Color_
 53         '直條上的顯示設置
 54         sc.Caption=Caption_
 55         set dl = cht.SeriesCollection(0).DataLabelsCollection.Add
 56         dl.HasValue = True
 57         dl.HasPercentage = False
 58         dl.Font.Size = 9
 59         dl.Font.Color = "red"
 60         dl.Position = c.chLegendPositionRight
 61         dl.NumberFormat = "00.00%"
 62         '左邊百分比的屬性設置
 63         Set cta = cht.Axes(c.chAxisPositionLeft)
 64         cta.Font.Size = 9
 65         cta.NumberFormat = "0.0%"
 66         cta.MajorUnit = 0.1
 68         Response.ContentType = "image/" & PicType
 69         Response.BinaryWrite o.GetPicture(PicType,width_,height_)
 70     end sub
 71     '多系列矩形圖
 72     'chart_bgColor_圖表的背景顏色
 73     'chartCaption_圖表的標題
 74     'chartCaption_fontColor_圖表標題顏色
 75     'color_顏色數組
 76     'caption_名稱數組
 77     'categories_名稱數組
 78     'values_值數組
 79     public sub serBar(chart_bgColor_,chartCaption_,chartCaption_fontColor_,color_,caption_,categories_,values_,width_,height_)
 80         On Error Resume Next
 81         Response.Expires = 0
 82         Response.Buffer = True
 83         Response.Clear         
 84         o.Clear
 85         o.Charts.Add
 86         Set c = o.Constants
 87         '圖表的類型
 88         o.Charts(0).type=c.chChartTypeColumnClustered 
 89         '給繪圖區加背景色
 90         o.Charts(0).PlotArea.Interior.SetSolid chart_bgColor_
 91         ''加上圖表的標題
 92         o.HasChartSpaceTitle = True
 93         o.ChartSpaceTitle.Caption = chartCaption_
 94         '標題的屬性
 95         o.ChartSpaceTitle.Font.Color = chartCaption_fontColor_
 96         o.ChartSpaceTitle.Font.Italic = False
 97         o.ChartSpaceTitle.Font.Name = "Arial"
 98         o.ChartSpaceTitle.Font.Size = 12
 99         o.ChartSpaceTitle.Font.Underline = c.owcUnderlineStyleSingle
100         '用循環來新增SeriesCollection以及里面的內容
101         for i=0 to ubound(caption_)
102             valuetemp=""
103             for j = i*(ubound(categories_)+1) to (i+1)*(ubound(categories_)+1)-1
104                 valuetemp = valuetemp & "," & values_(j)
105             next
106             valuearr = split(mid(valuetemp,2),",")
107             o.Charts(0).SeriesCollection.Add
108             o.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(i).Caption = caption_(i)
109             o.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(i).Interior.Color = color_(i)
110             o.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(i).SetData c.chDimCategories, c.chDataLiteral, categories_
111             o.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(i).SetData c.chDimValues, c.chDataLiteral, valuearr
112             set dl = o.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(i).DataLabelsCollection.Add
113             dl.HasValue = True
114             dl.HasPercentage = False
115             dl.Font.Size = 9
116             dl.Font.Color = "red"
117             dl.Position = c.chLegendPositionRight
118             dl.NumberFormat = "00.00%"
119         next
120         ''圖例的設定    
121         o.Charts(0).HasLegend = True 
122         o.Charts(0).Legend.Font.Size = 9
123         o.Charts(0).Legend.Position = c.chLegendPositionBottom        
124         ''左邊百分比的屬性設置
125         Set cta = o.Charts(0).Axes(c.chAxisPositionLeft)
126         cta.Font.Size = 9
127         cta.NumberFormat = "0.00%"
128         cta.MajorUnit = 0.1
129         Response.ContentType = "image/" & PicType
130         response.BinaryWrite o.GetPicture(PicType,width_,height_)
131     end sub
132     '畫圓餅圖
133     'chart_bgColor_繪圖區加背景色
134     'chartCaption_圖表的標題
135     'chartCaption_fontColor_圖表標題顏色
136     public sub Pie(chart_bgColor_,chartCaption_,chartCaption_fontColor_,Caption_,categories_,values_,width_,height_)
137         On Error Resume Next
138         Response.Expires = 0
139         Response.Buffer = True
140         Response.Clear 
141         o.Clear
142         Set cht = o.Charts.Add
143         Set c = o.Constants
144         cht.Type = c.chChartTypePie3d
145         '給繪圖區加背景色
146         o.Charts(0).PlotArea.Interior.SetSolid chart_bgColor_
147         cht.ExtrudeAngle = 90
148         cht.ChartDepth = 169
149         cht.AspectRatio = 120
150         cht.Rotation =180
151         cht.Inclination=70
153         o.HasChartSpaceTitle = True
154         o.ChartSpaceTitle.Caption = chartCaption_
155         o.ChartSpaceTitle.Font.Color = chartCaption_fontColor_
156         o.ChartSpaceTitle.Font.Name = "Arial" 
157         o.ChartSpaceTitle.Font.Size = 12
158         o.ChartSpaceTitle.Font.Underline = c.owcUnderlineStyleSingle
160         cht.HasLegend = True
161         cht.Legend.Font.Size = 9
162         cht.Legend.Position = c.chLegendPositionBottom
164         cht.SetData c.chDimCategories, c.chDataLiteral, categories_
165         cht.SeriesCollection(0).SetData c.chDimValues, c.chDataLiteral, values_
166         set sc=o.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0)
167         sc.Caption=Caption_
168         Set dl = cht.SeriesCollection(0).DataLabelsCollection.Add
169         dl.Separator = ":"
170         dl.HasValue = false
171         dl.HasSeriesName = false    
172         dl.HasCategoryName=true
173         dl.HasPercentage = true
174         dl.Font.Size = 9
175         dl.Font.Color = "red"
176         dl.NumberFormat = "00.00%"
177         Response.ContentType = "image/" & PicType
178         response.BinaryWrite o.GetPicture(PicType,width_,height_)
179     end sub
180     '拆線圖
181     'chart_bgColor_繪圖區加背景色
182     'chartCaption_圖表的標題
183     'chartCaption_fontColor_圖表標題顏色
184     public sub line(chart_bgColor_,chartCaption_,chartCaption_fontColor_,Caption_,categories_,values_,width_,height_)
185         On Error Resume Next
186         Response.Expires = 0
187         Response.Buffer = True
188         Response.Clear 
189         o.Clear
190         Set cht = o.Charts.Add 
191         Set c = o.Constants 
192         cht.Type = c.chChartTypeLineMarkers
193         '給繪圖區加背景色
194         o.Charts(0).PlotArea.Interior.SetSolid chart_bgColor_
195         o.HasChartSpaceTitle = True 
196         o.ChartSpaceTitle.Caption = chartCaption_
197         o.ChartSpaceTitle.Font.Color = chartCaption_fontColor_ 
198         o.ChartSpaceTitle.Font.Name = "Arial" 
199         o.ChartSpaceTitle.Font.Size = 12
200         o.ChartSpaceTitle.Font.Underline = c.owcUnderlineStyleSingle
202         cht.SetData c.chDimCategories, c.chDataLiteral, categories_
203         cht.SeriesCollection(0).SetData c.chDimValues, c.chDataLiteral, values_ 
205         set sc=o.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0)
206         sc.Caption=Caption_
207         Set dl = cht.SeriesCollection(0).DataLabelsCollection.Add 
208         dl.HasValue = True 
209         dl.HasPercentage = False 
210         dl.Font.Size = 9 
211         dl.Font.Color = "red" 
213         Set categoryAxis = cht.Axes(c.chAxisPositionBottom) 
214         categoryAxis.Font.Size = 9 
216         Set categoryAxis = cht.Axes(c.chAxisPositionLeft) 
217         categoryAxis.Font.Size = 9 
218         Response.ContentType = "image/" & PicType
219         response.BinaryWrite o.GetPicture(PicType,width_,height_)
220     end sub
221     '多系列拆線圖
222     'chart_bgColor_圖表的背景顏色
223     'chartCaption_圖表的標題
224     'chartCaption_fontColor_圖表標題顏色
225     'color_顏色數組
226     'caption_名稱數組
227     'categories_名稱數組
228     'values_值數組
229     public sub serLine(chart_bgColor_,chartCaption_,chartCaption_fontColor_,color_,SeriesNames_,categories_,values_,width_,height_)
230         On Error Resume Next
231         Response.Expires = 0
232         Response.Buffer = True
233         Response.Clear 
234         o.Clear
235         Set cht = o.Charts.Add 
236         Set c = o.Constants 
237         '設置圖表類型
238         cht.Type = c.chChartTypeLineMarkers
239         '給繪圖區加背景色
240         o.Charts(0).PlotArea.Interior.Color=chart_bgColor_
241         '加上標題
242         o.HasChartSpaceTitle = True
243         o.ChartSpaceTitle.Caption = chartCaption_
244         o.ChartSpaceTitle.Font.Color = chartCaption_fontColor_
245         o.ChartSpaceTitle.Font.Name = "Arial"
246         o.ChartSpaceTitle.Font.Size = 12
247         ''添加數據
248         cht.SetData c.chDimSeriesNames, c.chDataLiteral, SeriesNames_
249         cht.SetData c.chDimCategories, c.chDataLiteral, Categories_
251         set categoryAxis = cht.Axes(c.chAxisPositionBottom)
252         categoryAxis.Font.Size = 9
254         Set categoryAxis = cht.Axes(c.chAxisPositionLeft)
255         categoryAxis.Font.Size = 9
257         for i = 0 to ubound(SeriesNames_)
258             valuetemp = ""
259             for j = i*(ubound(Categories_)+1) to (i+1)*(ubound(Categories_)+1)-1
260                 valuetemp = valuetemp & "," & values_(j)
261             next
262             valuearr = split(mid(valuetemp,2),",")
263             cht.SeriesCollection(i).SetData c.chDimValues, c.chDataLiteral, valuearr
264             cht.SeriesCollection(i).Line.Color = color_(i)
265             cht.SeriesCollection(i).Line.Weight = c.owcLineWeightThin
266             cht.SeriesCollection(i).Marker.Style = c.chMarkerStyleDiamond
267             cht.SeriesCollection(i).Interior.Color = color_(i)
268             Set dl = cht.SeriesCollection(i).DataLabelsCollection.Add
269             dl.HasValue = true
270             dl.HasPercentage = false
271             dl.Font.Size = 9
272             dl.font.color="red"
273         next
274         Response.ContentType = "image/" & PicType
275         response.BinaryWrite o.GetPicture(PicType,width_,height_)
276     end sub
277 end class
278 %> 
<!--#include file="owc.asp" -->
'Option Explicit
Response.Expires = -1
Response.AddHeader "Pragma","no-cache"
Response.AddHeader "cache-ctrol","no-cache"
select case chartType
    case "bar"
        call bar()
    case "serbar"
        call serbar()
    case "pie"
        call pie()
    case "line"
        call line()
    case "serline"
        call serline()
end select

sub bar()
    On Error Resume Next
    set o=new owc
    dim chart_bgcolor,chartCaption,chartCaption_fontColor,Interior_Color,Caption,categories,values,width,height
    if chart_bgColor="" then chart_bgColor="#FFFFFF"
    if width="" then width="400"
    if height="" then height="300"
    dim catarr,valarr
    o.bar chart_bgcolor,chartCaption,chartCaption_fontColor,Interior_Color,Caption,catarr,valarr,width,height
    set o=nothing
end sub
sub serbar()
    On Error Resume Next
    set o=new owc
    dim chart_bgcolor,chartCaption,chartCaption_fontColor,color,Caption,categories,values,width,height
    if chart_bgColor="" then chart_bgColor="#FFFFFF"
    if width="" then width="400"
    if height="" then height="300"
    dim colarr,catarr,valarr
    o.serbar chart_bgColor,chartCaption,chartCaption_fontColor,colarr,catarr,valarr,values,width,height
    set o=nothing
end sub
sub pie()
    On Error Resume Next
    set o=new owc
    dim chart_bgcolor,chartCaption,chartCaption_fontColor,Caption,categories,values,width,height
    if chart_bgColor="" then chart_bgColor="#FFFFFF"
    if width="" then width="400"
    if height="" then height="300"
    dim catarr,valarr
    o.pie chart_bgColor,chartCaption,chartCaption_fontColor,Caption,catarr,valarr,width,height
    set o=nothing
end sub
sub line()
    On Error Resume Next
    set o=new owc
    dim chart_bgcolor,chartCaption,chartCaption_fontColor,Caption,categories,values,width,height
    if chart_bgColor="" then chart_bgColor="#FFFFFF"
    if width="" then width="400"
    if height="" then height="300"
    dim catarr,valarr
    o.line chart_bgColor,chartCaption,chartCaption_fontColor,Caption,catarr,valarr,width,height
    set o=nothing
end sub
sub serline()
    On Error Resume Next
    set o=new owc
    dim chart_bgcolor,chartCaption,chartCaption_fontColor,color,SeriesNames,categories,values,width,height
    if chart_bgColor="" then chart_bgColor="#FFFFFF"
    if width="" then width="400"
    if height="" then height="300"
    dim colarr,serarr,catarr,valarr
    o.serline chart_bgColor,chartCaption,chartCaption_fontColor,colarr,serarr,catarr,valarr,width,height
    set o=nothing
end sub

 2 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
 3 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
 4 <head>
 5 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=big5" />
 6 <title>test owc</title>
 7 </head>
 9 <body>
10 <%
11 url="chart.asp?chartType=bar"&_
12     "&chart_bgcolor=" & server.URLEncode("#FFFFFF") &_
13     "&chartCaption=" & server.URLEncode("報表標題") &_
14     "&chartCaption_fontColor=" & server.URLEncode("BLUE") &_
15     "&Interior_Color=" & server.URLEncode("#CCCC00") &_
16     "&Caption=" & server.URLEncode("組別") &_
17     "&categories=" & server.URLEncode("A2-1,A2-2,A2-3,A3-1,A3-2,A3-3,B2-1,B2-2,B2-3,B3-1,B3-2,B3-3,C2-1,C2-2,C3-1,C3-2,C3-3") &_
18     "&values=" & server.urlencode("0.813,0.689,0.800,0.833,0.681,0.864,0.743,0.894,0.822,0.874,0.746,0.908,0.850,0.728,0.731,0.734,0.624") &_
19     "&width=" & server.urlencode("800") &_
20     "&height=" & server.URLEncode("500")
21 'url="t.asp"
22 %>
23 <img src="<%=url %>" />
24 </body>
25 </html>


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  6. MySQL分组函数使用的其他注意事项
  7. base64原理核心规则
  8. MybatisPlus添加操作
  9. 获取class文件对象三种方式
  10. 微服务调用组件Feign:简介以及搭建环境