

An NSThread object controls a thread of execution. Use this class when you want to have an Objective-C method run in its own thread of execution. Threads are especially useful when you need to perform a lengthy task, but don’t want it to block the execution of the rest of the application.

NSThread能控制一个线程的执行, 当你想在自己的线程执行OC方法时请用此类。对于执行较长的任务时这是也很有用的,不会堵住程序里面剩下需要执行的任务。

 NSThread *thread = [[NSThread alloc]initWithTarget:self selector:NSSelectorFromString(@"myThread:") object:nil];//启动线程 [thread start];//停止线程//if (![thread isCancelled]) {
//[thread cancel];

//    }

 1 -(void)myThread:(id)sender{
 2     NSLog(@"%@" , sender);
 3     @synchronized(self){
 4         while (true) {
 5             [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:1];
 6             static int i = 0;
 7             NSLog(@"%i" , i++);
 8             if (i == 10) {
 9                 [NSThread exit];
10             }
11         }
12     }
13 }

View Code



[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:NSSelectorFromString(@"myThread:") toTarget:self withObject:@"myThread"];


[self performSelectorInBackground:NSSelectorFromString(@"myThread:") withObject:@"myThread"];






The NSBlockOperation class is a concrete subclass of NSOperation that manages the concurrent execution of one or more blocks. You can use this object to execute several blocks at once without having to create separate operation objects for each. When executing more than one block, the operation itself is considered finished only when all blocks have finished executing.


    NSLog(@"%@ mainT = " ,[NSThread currentThread]);NSBlockOperation *blockOp = [NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock:^{for (int i = 0; i<5; i++) {[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:1];NSLog(@"block1>>>%i thread = %@" , i , [NSThread currentThread]);}}];[blockOp addExecutionBlock:^{for (int i = 0; i<10; i++) {[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:1];NSLog(@"block2>>>%i thread = %@" , i , [NSThread currentThread]);}}];[blockOp start];NSLog(@"到这了");



The NSInvocationOperation class is a concrete subclass of NSOperation that manages the execution of a single encapsulated task specified as an invocation. You can use this class to initiate an operation that consists of invoking a selector on a specified object. This class implements a non-concurrent operation.


      NSLog(@"%@ mainThread = " ,[NSThread currentThread]);NSInvocationOperation *invocationOperation1= [[NSInvocationOperation alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(myOperation:) object:@"invocationOperation1"];[invocationOperation1 start];NSLog(@"到这了");-(void)myOperation:(id)sender{static int i = 0;while (i<4) {[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:1];[NSThread isMainThread];NSLog(@"我是线程%@ %i", [NSThread currentThread] , i++);}


2015-12-19 22:57:23.038 MYThread[4942:44405] <NSThread: 0x7ffcba50c190>{number = 1, name = main} mainThread =
2015-12-19 22:57:24.043 MYThread[4942:44405] 我是线程<NSThread: 0x7ffcba50c190>{number = 1, name = main} 0
2015-12-19 22:57:25.046 MYThread[4942:44405] 我是线程<NSThread: 0x7ffcba50c190>{number = 1, name = main} 1
2015-12-19 22:57:26.051 MYThread[4942:44405] 我是线程<NSThread: 0x7ffcba50c190>{number = 1, name = main} 2
2015-12-19 22:57:27.053 MYThread[4942:44405] 我是线程<NSThread: 0x7ffcba50c190>{number = 1, name = main} 3
2015-12-19 22:57:27.054 MYThread[4942:44405] 到这了


    NSOperationQueue *queue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];NSInvocationOperation *op = [[NSInvocationOperation alloc]initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(method1) object:nil];[queue addOperation:op];NSLog(@"到这了!");


2016-03-17 09:17:22.710 ViewAnim[580:12599] 到这了!
2016-03-17 09:17:23.779 ViewAnim[580:12871] 111111
2016-03-17 09:17:24.853 ViewAnim[580:12871] 111111
2016-03-17 09:17:25.926 ViewAnim[580:12871] 111111
2016-03-17 09:17:27.001 ViewAnim[580:12871] 111111
2016-03-17 09:17:28.070 ViewAnim[580:12871] 111111
2016-03-17 09:17:29.143 ViewAnim[580:12871] 111111



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