在执行 node 时,需要从 github 下载源码。就找到了网上了有一个库 download-git-repo ,可以用于从 github clone 或者下载代码。

download-git-repo 文档 https://www.npmjs.com/package/download-git-repo

下面代码用到了 download-git-reporimraf 两个第三方库

npm install download-git-repo rimraf

使用 clone 时,路径

GitHub - github:owner/name or simply owner/name
GitLab - gitlab:owner/name
Bitbucket - bitbucket:owner/name

后面也可以用 # 添加分支

const download = require("download-git-repo");
const path = require("path");
const rimraf = require("rimraf");const dir = path.join(process.cwd(), "test"); //这里可以自定义下载的地址rimraf.sync(dir, {});  //在下载前需要保证路径下没有同名文件download("github:billmian/react-webpack-template#main", dir,{ clone: true },function (err) {console.log(err ? "Error" : "Success", err);}

如果仅仅是想下载,路径需要使用 zip 文件的路径

const download = require("download-git-repo");
const path = require("path");
const rimraf = require("rimraf");const dir = path.join(process.cwd(), "test");rimraf.sync(dir, {});download("direct:https://codeload.github.com/billmian/react-webpack-template/zip/main",dir,function (err) {console.log(err ? "Error" : "Success", err);}

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