

I’ll create a category mainly to write some problems while using some specific softwares.These problems are usually tiny. In the past,I will write a blog directly to record each of them.But one day, when I want to recall one of them, it’s always a mass of task. So, in the future, for each software,I’ll only write one blog for it, and when I find more issues, I 'll return to that blog and extend it, that is better!

Fetching requests is an essential skill for us all. At Windows Platform we use Fidder, at MacOS we use Charles, and at Linux they recommend me to use WireShark. WireShark is a traditional tool for request fetching with various functions. I had never believed that “newer is better”.

You tell me one thing that just come out is better, please prove it.

Problem 1:

The capture session could not be initiated on interface ‘enp0s31f6’ (You don’t have permission to capture on that device).

Please check to make sure you have sufficient permissions.

On Debian and Debian derivatives such as Ubuntu, if you have installed Wireshark from a package, try running

sudo dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common

selecting “” in response to the question

Should non-superusers be able to capture packets?

adding yourself to the “wireshark” group by running

sudo usermod -a -G wireshark {your username}

and then logging out and logging back in again.

Probllem 2:

[WireShark]Couldn’t run /usr/bin/dumpcap in child process: Permission denied

$ sudo apt-get install libcap2-bin wireshark
$ sudo chgrp myusername /usr/bin/dumpcap
$ sudo chmod 750 /usr/bin/dumpcap
$ sudo setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eip /usr/bin/dumpcap

These related blogs are perfect

  • getcap, setcap and file capabilities
  • [进程]capget()/capset() – 获得/设置进程的权能
  • Couldn’t run /usr/bin/dumpcap in child process: Permission denied

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