原文:【ASP.NET Web API教程】2.3.3 创建Admin控制器

注:本文是【ASP.NET Web API系列教程】的一部分,如果您是第一次看本博客文章,请先看前面的内容。

Part 3: Creating an Admin Controller


Add an Admin Controller

In this section, we’ll add a Web API controller that supports CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) operations on products. The controller will use Entity Framework to communicate with the database layer. Only administrators will be able to use this controller. Customers will access the products through another controller.
在本小节中,我们要添加一个对产品支持CRUD(创建、读取、更新和删除)操作的Web API控制器。该控制器将使用实体框架与数据库层进行通信。只有管理员才能够使用这个控制器。客户端将通过另一个控制器访问产品。

In Solution Explorer, right-click the Controllers folder. Select Add and then Controller.

图2-16. 添加控制器

In the Add Controller dialog, name the controller AdminController. Under Template, select "API controller with read/write actions, using Entity Framework". Under Model class, select "Product (ProductStore.Models)". Under Data Context, select "<New Data Context>".
在“添加控制器”对话框中,将此控制器命名为AdminController。在“模板”下选择“带有读/写动作的API控制器(用实体框架)”。在“模型类”下选择“Product (ProductStore.Models)”。在“数据上下文”下选择“<新数据上下文>”(见图2-17)。

图2-17. 添加控制器对话框中的设置

If the Model class drop-down does not show any model classes, make sure you compiled the project. Entity Framework uses reflection, so it needs the compiled assembly.

Selecting "<New Data Context>" will open the New Data Context dialog. Name the data context ProductStore.Models.OrdersContext.

图2-18. 命名“新数据上下文”

Click OK to dismiss the New Data Context dialog. In the Add Controller dialog, click Add.

Here's what got added to the project:

  • A class named OrdersContext that derives from DbContext. This class provides the glue between the POCO models and the database.
  • A Web API controller named AdminController. This controller supports CRUD operations on Product instances. It uses the OrdersContext class to communicate with Entity Framework.
    一个名称为AdminController的Web API控制器。这个控制器支持对Product实例的CRUD操作。它使用OrdersContext类与实体框架进行通信。
  • A new database connection string in the Web.config file.


图2-19. 新添加到项目的内容

Open the OrdersContext.cs file. Notice that the constructor specifies the name of the database connection string. This name refers to the connection string that was added to Web.config.

public OrdersContext() : base("name=OrdersContext")

Add the following properties to the OrdersContext class:

public DbSet<Order> Orders { get; set; }
public DbSet<OrderDetail> OrderDetails { get; set; }

A DbSet represents a set of entities that can be queried. Here is the complete listing for the OrdersContext class:

public class OrdersContext : DbContext
{ public OrdersContext() : base("name=OrdersContext") { } public DbSet<Order> Orders { get; set; } public DbSet<OrderDetail> OrderDetails { get; set; } public DbSet<Product> Products { get; set; }

The AdminController class defines five methods that implement basic CRUD functionality. Each method corresponds to a URI that the client can invoke:

表2-2. AdminController中实现CRUD操作的五个方法
Controller Method
GetProducts Gets all products.
api/products GET
GetProduct Finds a product by ID.
api/products/id GET
PutProduct Updates a product.
api/products/id PUT
PostProduct Creates a new product.
api/products POST
DeleteProduct Deletes a product.
api/products/id DELETE

Each method calls into OrdersContext to query the database. The methods that modify the collection (PUT, POST, and DELETE) call db.SaveChanges to persist the changes to the database. Controllers are created per HTTP request and then disposed, so it is necessary to persist changes before a method returns.

Add a Database Initializer

Entity Framework has a nice feature that lets you populate the database on startup, and automatically recreate the database whenever the models change. This feature is useful during development, because you always have some test data, even if you change the models.

In Solution Explorer, right-click the Models folder and create a new class named OrdersContextInitializer. Paste in the following implementation:

namespace ProductStore.Models
{ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data.Entity; public class OrdersContextInitializer : DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges<OrdersContext> { protected override void Seed(OrdersContext context) { var products = new List<Product>()             { new Product() { Name = "Tomato Soup", Price = 1.39M, ActualCost = .99M }, new Product() { Name = "Hammer", Price = 16.99M, ActualCost = 10 }, new Product() { Name = "Yo yo", Price = 6.99M, ActualCost = 2.05M } }; products.ForEach(p => context.Products.Add(p)); context.SaveChanges(); var order = new Order() { Customer = "Bob" }; var od = new List<OrderDetail>() { new OrderDetail() { Product = products[0], Quantity = 2, Order = order}, new OrderDetail() { Product = products[1], Quantity = 4, Order = order } }; context.Orders.Add(order); od.ForEach(o => context.OrderDetails.Add(o)); context.SaveChanges(); } }

By inheriting from the DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges class, we are telling Entity Framework to drop the database whenever we modify the model classes. When Entity Framework creates (or recreates) the database, it calls the Seed method to populate the tables. We use the Seed method to add some example products plus an example order.

This feature is great for testing, but don’t use the DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges class in production, because you could lose your data if someone changes a model class.
这个特性对于测试是很棒的,但在产品(指正式运行的应用程序 — 译者注)中不要使用这个DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges类。因为,如果有人修改了模型类,便会丢失数据。

Next, open Global.asax and add the following code to the Application_Start method:

System.Data.Entity.Database.SetInitializer(new ProductStore.Models.OrdersContextInitializer());

Send a Request to the Controller

At this point, we haven’t written any client code, but you can invoke the web API using a web browser or an HTTP debugging tool such as Fiddler. In Visual Studio, press F5 to start debugging. Your web browser will open to http://localhost:portnum/, where portnum is some port number.
此刻,我们还没有编写任何客户端代码,但你已经可以使用Web浏览器或诸如Fiddler之类的调试工具来调用这个Web API了。在Visual Studio中按F5键启动调试。你的浏览器将打开网址http://localhost:portnum/,这里,portnum是某个端口号。

Send an HTTP request to "http://localhost:portnum/api/admin". The first request may be slow to complete, because Entify Entity Framework needs to create and seed the database. The response should something similar to the following:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: ASP.NET Development Server/
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2012 04:30:33 GMT
X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: -1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 175
Connection: Close
[{"Id":1,"Name":"Tomato Soup","Price":1.39,"ActualCost":0.99},{"Id":2,"Name":"Hammer",
"Price":16.99,"ActualCost":10.00},{"Id":3,"Name":"Yo yo","Price":6.99,"ActualCost":


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