
There has been lots of buzz about many of the new features in PHP 5.4, like the traits support, the short array syntax and all those other syntax improvements.

But one set of changes that I think is particularly important was largely overlooked: For PHP 5.4 cataphract (Artefacto on StackOverflow) heroically rewrote large parts ofhtmlspecialcharsthus fixing various quirks and adding some really nice new features.

(The changes discussed here apply not only to htmlspecialchars, but also to the related htmlentities and in parts to htmlspecialchars_decode, html_entity_decode and get_html_translation_table.)

Here a quick summary of the most important changes:

  • UTF-8 as the default charset
  • Improved error handling (ENT_SUBSTITUTE)
  • Doctype handling (ENT_HTML401, …)

UTF-8 as the default charset

As you hopefully know the third argument forhtmlspecialcharsis the character set. Thing is: Most people just leave that argument out, thus falling back to the default charset. This default charset was ISO-8859-1 before PHP 5.4 and as such did not match the UTF-8 encoding most people use. PHP 5.4 fixes this by making UTF-8 the default.

Improved error handling

Error handling inhtmlspecialcharsbefore PHP 5.4 was … uhm, let’s call it “unintuitive”:

If you passed a string containing an “invalid code unit sequence” (which is Unicode slang for “not encoded correctly”)htmlspecialcharswould return an empty string. Well, okay, so far so good. The funny thing was that it additionally would throw an error, but only if error display was disabled. So it would only error if errors are hidden. Nice, innit?

This basically meant that on your development machine you wouldn’t see any errors, but on your production machine the error log would be flooded with them. Awesome.

So, as of PHP 5.4 thankfully this behavior is gone. The error will not be generated anymore.

Additionally there are two options that allow you to specify an alternative to just returning an empty string:

  • ENT_IGNORE: This option (which isn’t actually new, it was there in PHP 5.3 already) will just drop all invalid code unit sequences. This is bad for two reasons: First, you won’t notice invalid encoding because it’ll be simply dropped. Second, this imposes a certain security risk (for more info see the Unicode Security Considerations).
  • ENT_SUBSTITUTE: This new alternative option takes a much more sensible approach at the problem: Instead of just dropping the code units they will be replaced by a Unicode Replacement Character (U+FFFD). So invalid code unit sequences will be replaced by � characters.

Let’s have a look at the different behaviors ( demo):


// "\80" is invalid UTF-8 in this context  var_dump(htmlspecialchars("a\x80b")); // string(0) "" var_dump(htmlspecialchars("a\x80b", ENT_IGNORE)); // string(2) "ab" var_dump(htmlspecialchars("a\x80b", ENT_SUBSTITUTE)); // string(5) "a�b"


Clearly, you want the last behavior. In your real code it will probably look like this:


// this goes into the bootstrap (or where appropriate) to make the code  // not throw a notice on PHP 5.3  if (!defined('ENT_SUBSTITUTE')) {  define('ENT_SUBSTITUTE', 0); // if you want the empty string behavior on 5.3  // or  define('ENT_SUBSTITUTE', ENT_IGNORE);  // if you want the char removal behavior on 5.3  // (don't forget about the security issues though!)  }  // don't forget to specify the charset! Otherwise you'll get the old default charset on 5.3. $escaped = htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE, 'UTF-8');


Doctype handling

In PHP 5.4 there are four additional flags for specifying the used doctype:

  • ENT_HTML401(HTML 4.01) => this is the default
  • ENT_XML1(XML 1)

Depending on which doctype you specifyhtmlspecialchars(and the other related functions) will use different entity tables.

You can see this in the following example (demo):


var_dump(htmlspecialchars("'", ENT_HTML401)); // string(6) "'"  var_dump(htmlspecialchars("'", ENT_HTML5)); // string(6) "'"


So for HTML 5 an'entity will be generated, whereas for HTML 4.01 - which does not yet support'- a numerical'entity is returned.

The difference becomes more evident when usinghtmlentities, because the differences are larger there. You can easily see this by having a look at the raw translation tables:

To do this, we can use theget_html_translation_tablefunction. Here first an example for the XML 1 doctype (demo):


var_dump(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_XML1));


The result will look like this:

array(5) {["""]=>string(6) "&quot;"["&"]=>string(5) "&amp;"["'"]=>string(6) "&apos;"["<"]=>string(4) "&lt;"[">"]=>string(4) "&gt;"

This matches our expectations: XML by itself defines only the five basic entities.

Now try the same thing for HTML 5 (demo) and you’ll see something like this:

array(1510) {["    "]=>string(5) "&Tab;"["
"]=>string(9) "&NewLine;"["!"]=>string(6) "&excl;"["""]=>string(6) "&quot;"["#"]=>string(5) "&num;"["$"]=>string(8) "&dollar;"["%"]=>string(8) "&percnt;"["&"]=>string(5) "&amp;"["'"]=>string(6) "&apos;"// ...

So HTML 5 defines a vast number of entities - 1510 to be precise. You can also try HTML 4.01 and XHTML; they both define 253 entities.

Also affected by the chosen doctype is another new error handling flag which I did not mention above:ENT_DISALLOWED. This flag will replace characters with a Unicode Replacement Character, which formally are a valid code unit sequences, but are invalid in the given doctype.

This way you can ensure that the returned string is always well formed regarding encoding (in the given doctype). I’m not sure though how much sense it makes to use this flag. The browser will handle invalid characters gracefully anyways, so this seems unnecessary to me (though I’m probably wrong).

There is other stuff too…

… but I don’t want to list everything here. I think the three changes mentioned above are the most important improvements.


htmlspecialchars("<\x80The End\xef\xbf\xbf>", ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5 | ENT_DISALLOWED | ENT_SUBSTITUTE, 'UTF-8');



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