
  This class stores text using standard UTF8 encoding. It provides methods to serialize, deserialize, and compare texts at byte level. The type of length is integer and is serialized using zero-compressed format.

  In addition, it provides methods for string traversal without converting the byte array to a string.Also includes utilities for serializing/deserialing a string,encoding / decoding a string, checking if a byte array contains valid UTF8 code, calculating the length of an encoded string.




1 package org.apache.hadoop.io;
3 import java.io.DataOutput;
4 import java.io.DataInput;
5 import java.io.IOException;
6 public interface Writable {
7     void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException;
8     void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException;
9 }
void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException
参数:out - 接收object序列化后的字节流的输出流.
void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException




package org.apache.hadoop.io;
public interface WritableComparable<T> extends Writable, comparable<T> {


void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException;
void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException;


int compareTo( T other);
/*比较此对象与指定对象other的顺序。如果该对象小于、等于或大于指定对象,则分别返回负整数、零或正整数。参数:o - 要比较的对象。返回:负整数、零或正整数,根据此对象是小于、等于还是大于指定对象。



public class Text
extends BinaryComparable
implements WritableComparable<BinaryComparable>;

  1 package org.apache.hadoop.io;
  3 import java.io.IOException;
  4 import java.io.DataInput;
  5 import java.io.DataOutput;
  6 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
  7 import java.nio.CharBuffer;
  8 import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException;
  9 import java.nio.charset.Charset;
 10 import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder;
 11 import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder;
 12 import java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction;
 13 import java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException;
 14 import java.text.CharacterIterator;
 15 import java.text.StringCharacterIterator;
 17 import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
 18 import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
 20 /** This class stores text using standard UTF8 encoding.  It provides methods
 21  * to serialize, deserialize, and compare texts at byte level.  The type of
 22  * length is integer and is serialized using zero-compressed format.  <p>In
 23  * addition, it provides methods for string traversal without converting the
 24  * byte array to a string.  <p>Also includes utilities for
 25  * serializing/deserialing a string, coding/decoding a string, checking if a
 26  * byte array contains valid UTF8 code, calculating the length of an encoded
 27  * string.
 28  */
 29 public class Text extends BinaryComparable
 30     implements WritableComparable<BinaryComparable> {
 31   private static final Log LOG= LogFactory.getLog(Text.class);
 33   private static ThreadLocal<CharsetEncoder> ENCODER_FACTORY =
 34     new ThreadLocal<CharsetEncoder>() {
 35       protected CharsetEncoder initialValue() {
 36         return Charset.forName("UTF-8").newEncoder().
 37                onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPORT).
 38                onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPORT);
 39     }
 40   };
 42   private static ThreadLocal<CharsetDecoder> DECODER_FACTORY =
 43     new ThreadLocal<CharsetDecoder>() {
 44     protected CharsetDecoder initialValue() {
 45       return Charset.forName("UTF-8").newDecoder().
 46              onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPORT).
 47              onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPORT);
 48     }
 49   };
 51   private static final byte [] EMPTY_BYTES = new byte[0];
 53   private byte[] bytes;
 54   private int length;
 56   public Text() {
 57     bytes = EMPTY_BYTES;
 58   }
 60   /** Construct from a string.
 61    */
 62   public Text(String string) {
 63     set(string);
 64   }
 66   /** Construct from another text. */
 67   public Text(Text utf8) {
 68     set(utf8);
 69   }
 71   /** Construct from a byte array.
 72    */
 73   public Text(byte[] utf8)  {
 74     set(utf8);
 75   }
 77   /**
 78    * Returns the raw bytes; however, only data up to {@link #getLength()} is
 79    * valid.
 80    */
 81   public byte[] getBytes() {
 82     return bytes;
 83   }
 85   /** Returns the number of bytes in the byte array */
 86   public int getLength() {
 87     return length;
 88   }
 90   /**
 91    * Returns the Unicode Scalar Value (32-bit integer value)
 92    * for the character at <code>position</code>. Note that this
 93    * method avoids using the converter or doing String instatiation
 94    * @return the Unicode scalar value at position or -1
 95    *          if the position is invalid or points to a
 96    *          trailing byte
 97    */
 98   public int charAt(int position) {
 99     if (position > this.length) return -1; // too long
100     if (position < 0) return -1; // duh.
102     ByteBuffer bb = (ByteBuffer)ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).position(position);
103     return bytesToCodePoint(bb.slice());
104   }
106   public int find(String what) {
107     return find(what, 0);
108   }
110   /**
111    * Finds any occurence of <code>what</code> in the backing
112    * buffer, starting as position <code>start</code>. The starting
113    * position is measured in bytes and the return value is in
114    * terms of byte position in the buffer. The backing buffer is
115    * not converted to a string for this operation.
116    * @return byte position of the first occurence of the search
117    *         string in the UTF-8 buffer or -1 if not found
118    */
119   public int find(String what, int start) {
120     try {
121       ByteBuffer src = ByteBuffer.wrap(this.bytes,0,this.length);
122       ByteBuffer tgt = encode(what);
123       byte b = tgt.get();
124       src.position(start);
126       while (src.hasRemaining()) {
127         if (b == src.get()) { // matching first byte
128           src.mark(); // save position in loop
129           tgt.mark(); // save position in target
130           boolean found = true;
131           int pos = src.position()-1;
132           while (tgt.hasRemaining()) {
133             if (!src.hasRemaining()) { // src expired first
134               tgt.reset();
135               src.reset();
136               found = false;
137               break;
138             }
139             if (!(tgt.get() == src.get())) {
140               tgt.reset();
141               src.reset();
142               found = false;
143               break; // no match
144             }
145           }
146           if (found) return pos;
147         }
148       }
149       return -1; // not found
150     } catch (CharacterCodingException e) {
151       // can't get here
152       e.printStackTrace();
153       return -1;
154     }
155   }
156   /** Set to contain the contents of a string.
157    */
158   public void set(String string) {
159     try {
160       ByteBuffer bb = encode(string, true);
161       bytes = bb.array();
162       length = bb.limit();
163     }catch(CharacterCodingException e) {
164       throw new RuntimeException("Should not have happened " + e.toString());
165     }
166   }
168   /** Set to a utf8 byte array
169    */
170   public void set(byte[] utf8) {
171     set(utf8, 0, utf8.length);
172   }
174   /** copy a text. */
175   public void set(Text other) {
176     set(other.getBytes(), 0, other.getLength());
177   }
179   /**
180    * Set the Text to range of bytes
181    * @param utf8 the data to copy from
182    * @param start the first position of the new string
183    * @param len the number of bytes of the new string
184    */
185   public void set(byte[] utf8, int start, int len) {
186     setCapacity(len, false);
187     System.arraycopy(utf8, start, bytes, 0, len);
188     this.length = len;
189   }
191   /**
192    * Append a range of bytes to the end of the given text
193    * @param utf8 the data to copy from
194    * @param start the first position to append from utf8
195    * @param len the number of bytes to append
196    */
197   public void append(byte[] utf8, int start, int len) {
198     setCapacity(length + len, true);
199     System.arraycopy(utf8, start, bytes, length, len);
200     length += len;
201   }
203   /**
204    * Clear the string to empty.
205    */
206   public void clear() {
207     length = 0;
208   }
210   /*
211    * Sets the capacity of this Text object to <em>at least</em>
212    * <code>len</code> bytes. If the current buffer is longer,
213    * then the capacity and existing content of the buffer are
214    * unchanged. If <code>len</code> is larger
215    * than the current capacity, the Text object's capacity is
216    * increased to match.
217    * @param len the number of bytes we need
218    * @param keepData should the old data be kept
219    */
220   private void setCapacity(int len, boolean keepData) {
221     if (bytes == null || bytes.length < len) {
222       byte[] newBytes = new byte[len];
223       if (bytes != null && keepData) {
224         System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, newBytes, 0, length);
225       }
226       bytes = newBytes;
227     }
228   }
230   /**
231    * Convert text back to string
232    * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
233    */
234   public String toString() {
235     try {
236       return decode(bytes, 0, length);
237     } catch (CharacterCodingException e) {
238       throw new RuntimeException("Should not have happened " + e.toString());
239     }
240   }
242   /** deserialize
243    */
244   public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {
245     int newLength = WritableUtils.readVInt(in);
246     setCapacity(newLength, false);
247     in.readFully(bytes, 0, newLength);
248     length = newLength;
249   }
251   /** Skips over one Text in the input. */
252   public static void skip(DataInput in) throws IOException {
253     int length = WritableUtils.readVInt(in);
254     WritableUtils.skipFully(in, length);
255   }
257   /** serialize
258    * write this object to out
259    * length uses zero-compressed encoding
260    * @see Writable#write(DataOutput)
261    */
262   public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
263     WritableUtils.writeVInt(out, length);
264     out.write(bytes, 0, length);
265   }
267   /** Returns true iff <code>o</code> is a Text with the same contents.  */
268   public boolean equals(Object o) {
269     if (o instanceof Text)
270       return super.equals(o);
271     return false;
272   }
274   public int hashCode() {
275     return super.hashCode();
276   }
278   /** A WritableComparator optimized for Text keys. */
279   public static class Comparator extends WritableComparator {
280     public Comparator() {
281       super(Text.class);
282     }
284     public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1,
285                        byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) {
286       int n1 = WritableUtils.decodeVIntSize(b1[s1]);
287       int n2 = WritableUtils.decodeVIntSize(b2[s2]);
288       return compareBytes(b1, s1+n1, l1-n1, b2, s2+n2, l2-n2);
289     }
290   }
292   static {
293     // register this comparator
294     WritableComparator.define(Text.class, new Comparator());
295   }
298   /**
299    * Converts the provided byte array to a String using the
300    * UTF-8 encoding. If the input is malformed,
301    * replace by a default value.
302    */
303   public static String decode(byte[] utf8) throws CharacterCodingException {
304     return decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(utf8), true);
305   }
307   public static String decode(byte[] utf8, int start, int length)
308     throws CharacterCodingException {
309     return decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(utf8, start, length), true);
310   }
312   /**
313    * Converts the provided byte array to a String using the
314    * UTF-8 encoding. If <code>replace</code> is true, then
315    * malformed input is replaced with the
316    * substitution character, which is U+FFFD. Otherwise the
317    * method throws a MalformedInputException.
318    */
319   public static String decode(byte[] utf8, int start, int length, boolean replace)
320     throws CharacterCodingException {
321     return decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(utf8, start, length), replace);
322   }
324   private static String decode(ByteBuffer utf8, boolean replace)
325     throws CharacterCodingException {
326     CharsetDecoder decoder = DECODER_FACTORY.get();
327     if (replace) {
328       decoder.onMalformedInput(
329           java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction.REPLACE);
330       decoder.onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE);
331     }
332     String str = decoder.decode(utf8).toString();
333     // set decoder back to its default value: REPORT
334     if (replace) {
335       decoder.onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPORT);
336       decoder.onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPORT);
337     }
338     return str;
339   }
341   /**
342    * Converts the provided String to bytes using the
343    * UTF-8 encoding. If the input is malformed,
344    * invalid chars are replaced by a default value.
345    * @return ByteBuffer: bytes stores at ByteBuffer.array()
346    *                     and length is ByteBuffer.limit()
347    */
349   public static ByteBuffer encode(String string)
350     throws CharacterCodingException {
351     return encode(string, true);
352   }
354   /**
355    * Converts the provided String to bytes using the
356    * UTF-8 encoding. If <code>replace</code> is true, then
357    * malformed input is replaced with the
358    * substitution character, which is U+FFFD. Otherwise the
359    * method throws a MalformedInputException.
360    * @return ByteBuffer: bytes stores at ByteBuffer.array()
361    *                     and length is ByteBuffer.limit()
362    */
363   public static ByteBuffer encode(String string, boolean replace)
364     throws CharacterCodingException {
365     CharsetEncoder encoder = ENCODER_FACTORY.get();
366     if (replace) {
367       encoder.onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE);
368       encoder.onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE);
369     }
370     ByteBuffer bytes =
371       encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(string.toCharArray()));
372     if (replace) {
373       encoder.onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPORT);
374       encoder.onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPORT);
375     }
376     return bytes;
377   }
379   /** Read a UTF8 encoded string from in
380    */
381   public static String readString(DataInput in) throws IOException {
382     int length = WritableUtils.readVInt(in);
383     byte [] bytes = new byte[length];
384     in.readFully(bytes, 0, length);
385     return decode(bytes);
386   }
388   /** Write a UTF8 encoded string to out
389    */
390   public static int writeString(DataOutput out, String s) throws IOException {
391     ByteBuffer bytes = encode(s);
392     int length = bytes.limit();
393     WritableUtils.writeVInt(out, length);
394     out.write(bytes.array(), 0, length);
395     return length;
396   }
398   // states for validateUTF8
400   private static final int LEAD_BYTE = 0;
402   private static final int TRAIL_BYTE_1 = 1;
404   private static final int TRAIL_BYTE = 2;
406   /**
407    * Check if a byte array contains valid utf-8
408    * @param utf8 byte array
409    * @throws MalformedInputException if the byte array contains invalid utf-8
410    */
411   public static void validateUTF8(byte[] utf8) throws MalformedInputException {
412     validateUTF8(utf8, 0, utf8.length);
413   }
415   /**
416    * Check to see if a byte array is valid utf-8
417    * @param utf8 the array of bytes
418    * @param start the offset of the first byte in the array
419    * @param len the length of the byte sequence
420    * @throws MalformedInputException if the byte array contains invalid bytes
421    */
422   public static void validateUTF8(byte[] utf8, int start, int len)
423     throws MalformedInputException {
424     int count = start;
425     int leadByte = 0;
426     int length = 0;
427     int state = LEAD_BYTE;
428     while (count < start+len) {
429       int aByte = ((int) utf8[count] & 0xFF);
431       switch (state) {
432       case LEAD_BYTE:
433         leadByte = aByte;
434         length = bytesFromUTF8[aByte];
436         switch (length) {
437         case 0: // check for ASCII
438           if (leadByte > 0x7F)
439             throw new MalformedInputException(count);
440           break;
441         case 1:
442           if (leadByte < 0xC2 || leadByte > 0xDF)
443             throw new MalformedInputException(count);
444           state = TRAIL_BYTE_1;
445           break;
446         case 2:
447           if (leadByte < 0xE0 || leadByte > 0xEF)
448             throw new MalformedInputException(count);
449           state = TRAIL_BYTE_1;
450           break;
451         case 3:
452           if (leadByte < 0xF0 || leadByte > 0xF4)
453             throw new MalformedInputException(count);
454           state = TRAIL_BYTE_1;
455           break;
456         default:
457           // too long! Longest valid UTF-8 is 4 bytes (lead + three)
458           // or if < 0 we got a trail byte in the lead byte position
459           throw new MalformedInputException(count);
460         } // switch (length)
461         break;
463       case TRAIL_BYTE_1:
464         if (leadByte == 0xF0 && aByte < 0x90)
465           throw new MalformedInputException(count);
466         if (leadByte == 0xF4 && aByte > 0x8F)
467           throw new MalformedInputException(count);
468         if (leadByte == 0xE0 && aByte < 0xA0)
469           throw new MalformedInputException(count);
470         if (leadByte == 0xED && aByte > 0x9F)
471           throw new MalformedInputException(count);
472         // falls through to regular trail-byte test!!
473       case TRAIL_BYTE:
474         if (aByte < 0x80 || aByte > 0xBF)
475           throw new MalformedInputException(count);
476         if (--length == 0) {
477           state = LEAD_BYTE;
478         } else {
479           state = TRAIL_BYTE;
480         }
481         break;
482       } // switch (state)
483       count++;
484     }
485   }
487   /**
488    * Magic numbers for UTF-8. These are the number of bytes
489    * that <em>follow</em> a given lead byte. Trailing bytes
490    * have the value -1. The values 4 and 5 are presented in
491    * this table, even though valid UTF-8 cannot include the
492    * five and six byte sequences.
493    */
494   static final int[] bytesFromUTF8 =
495   { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
496     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
497     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
498     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
499     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
500     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
501     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
502     // trail bytes
503     -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
504     -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
505     -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
506     -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
507     1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
508     1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3,
509     3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5 };
511   /**
512    * Returns the next code point at the current position in
513    * the buffer. The buffer's position will be incremented.
514    * Any mark set on this buffer will be changed by this method!
515    */
516   public static int bytesToCodePoint(ByteBuffer bytes) {
517     bytes.mark();
518     byte b = bytes.get();
519     bytes.reset();
520     int extraBytesToRead = bytesFromUTF8[(b & 0xFF)];
521     if (extraBytesToRead < 0) return -1; // trailing byte!
522     int ch = 0;
524     switch (extraBytesToRead) {
525     case 5: ch += (bytes.get() & 0xFF); ch <<= 6; /* remember, illegal UTF-8 */
526     case 4: ch += (bytes.get() & 0xFF); ch <<= 6; /* remember, illegal UTF-8 */
527     case 3: ch += (bytes.get() & 0xFF); ch <<= 6;
528     case 2: ch += (bytes.get() & 0xFF); ch <<= 6;
529     case 1: ch += (bytes.get() & 0xFF); ch <<= 6;
530     case 0: ch += (bytes.get() & 0xFF);
531     }
532     ch -= offsetsFromUTF8[extraBytesToRead];
534     return ch;
535   }
538   static final int offsetsFromUTF8[] =
539   { 0x00000000, 0x00003080,
540     0x000E2080, 0x03C82080, 0xFA082080, 0x82082080 };
542   /**
543    * For the given string, returns the number of UTF-8 bytes
544    * required to encode the string.
545    * @param string text to encode
546    * @return number of UTF-8 bytes required to encode
547    */
548   public static int utf8Length(String string) {
549     CharacterIterator iter = new StringCharacterIterator(string);
550     char ch = iter.first();
551     int size = 0;
552     while (ch != CharacterIterator.DONE) {
553       if ((ch >= 0xD800) && (ch < 0xDC00)) {
554         // surrogate pair?
555         char trail = iter.next();
556         if ((trail > 0xDBFF) && (trail < 0xE000)) {
557           // valid pair
558           size += 4;
559         } else {
560           // invalid pair
561           size += 3;
562           iter.previous(); // rewind one
563         }
564       } else if (ch < 0x80) {
565         size++;
566       } else if (ch < 0x800) {
567         size += 2;
568       } else {
569         // ch < 0x10000, that is, the largest char value
570         size += 3;
571       }
572       ch = iter.next();
573     }
574     return size;
575   }
576 }



 1 package org.apache.hadoop.io;
 2 public abstract class BinaryComparable implements Comparable<BinaryComparable> {
 3   public abstract int getLength();
 4   public abstract byte[] getBytes();
 5   public int compareTo(BinaryComparable other) {
 6     if (this == other)
 7       return 0;
 8     return WritableComparator.compareBytes(getBytes(), 0, getLength(),
 9              other.getBytes(), 0, other.getLength());
10   }
11   public int compareTo(byte[] other, int off, int len) {
12     return WritableComparator.compareBytes(getBytes(), 0, getLength(),
13              other, off, len);
14   }
15   public boolean equals(Object other) {
16     if (!(other instanceof BinaryComparable))
17       return false;
18     BinaryComparable that = (BinaryComparable)other;
19     if (this.getLength() != that.getLength())
20       return false;
21     return this.compareTo(that) == 0;
22   }
23   public int hashCode() {
24     return WritableComparator.hashBytes(getBytes(), getLength());
25   }
27 }



WritableComparator.compareBytes(getBytes(), 0, getLength(), other.getBytes(), 0, other.getLength());


WritableComparator.hashBytes(getBytes(), getLength());




Text是针对UTF-8序列的Writable类,一般可以认为它等价于java.lang.String 的 Writable,为了与输入流输出流DataInput、DataOutput兼容(DataInput与DataOutput是使用UTF-8修改版进行编码的),Text是使用Java的UTF-8修改版来进行编码。关于UTF-8修改版如下:


  1、索引 对于Text类的索引是根据编码后的字节序列中的位置实现的,并非字符串中的Unicode字符,也不是Java Char的编码单元(String),对于ASCII字符串,这三个索引位置的概念是一致的,因为在三个编码方式当中,ASCII的编码大小均为一个字节。



import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text;public class TextExample {public static void main(String[] args) {// TODO Auto-generated method stubString str = new String("\u0041\u00DF\u6771\uD801\uDC00");Text t = new Text(str);System.out.println(str.length());System.out.println(t.getLength());}







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    Hadoop源码分析(25) ZKFC源码分析   从文档(4)到文档(24),详细分析了namenode的启动流程.最后namenode会以standby模式启动.但在standby模式下的name ...

  3. Hadoop源码分析(四)

    2021SC@SDUSC 研究内容简略介绍 上周我们分析了org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Cluster中的的核心代码,本周将继续对mapreduce部分进行分析.在对Clus ...

  4. Hadoop源码分析-Context

    学编程第一个肯定是hello world,Hadoop也不例外,它的hello world就是Wordcount,单词统计例子 1 package org.apache.hadoop.examples ...

  5. hadoop源码分析_Spark2.x精通:Job触发流程源码深度剖析(一)

    , 一.概述  之前几篇文章对Spark集群的Master.Worker启动流程进行了源码剖析,后面直接从客户端角度出发,讲解了spark-submit任务提交过程及driver的启动:集群启动.任务 ...

  6. Hadoop 源码分析(二四)FSNamesystem

    以下轮到FSNamesystem 出场了. FSNamesystem.java 一共同拥有4573 行.而整个namenode 文件夹下全部的Java 程序总共也仅仅有16876 行,把FSNames ...

  7. Hadoop源码分析笔记(十一):数据节点--数据节点整体运行

    数据节点整体运行 数据节点通过数据节点存储和文件系统数据集,管理着保存在Linux文件系统上的数据块,通过流式接口提供数据块的读.写.替换.复制和校验信息等功能.建立在上述基础上的数据节点,还需要维护 ...

  8. Hadoop源码分析HDFS ClientProtocol——getBlockLocations

    2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> Class ClientProtocol是HDFS客户端与NameNode之间的接口.Client通过调用ClientProt ...

  9. Hadoop源码分析16: IPC流程(11) 整体流程

    1.发送请求:query.getCPUStatus("Intel"); 2.传送到:RPCInvoker.invoke(Object proxy, Method method, O ...


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