error: possibly undefined macro: AM_ICONV 
If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow. 
See the Autoconf documentation. 
make: *** [configure] Error 1

解决办法 ,编译加m4_pattern_allow参数

即:./configure --enable-m4_pattern_allow (其它参数略)



yangzhimingg error: possibly undefined macro: AM_ICONV相关推荐

  1. 报错“ error: possibly undefined macro“的解决方案

    在ubuntu上编译libzmq时,生成configure和makefile的过程中报错: 复制代码 libzmq-master$ ./ autoreconf: Entering ...

  2. 编译opus:error: possibly undefined macro: AM_PROG_LIBTOOL

    具体错误 warning: macro 'AM_PROG_LIBTOOL' not found in library error: ...

  3. 解决 error: possibly undefined macro: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL

    看了很多文章,这里记录一下: 1.没有安装aclocal 解决方法 #CentOS系统 yum -y install libtool libsysfs 2. aclocal与libtool没有安装在相 ...

  4. configure:13646: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_MSG_ERROR

    安装  sudo apt-get install pkg-config  即可

  5. 关于error: possibly undefined macro: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL问题解决

    通过baidu或者google,大多数解决方案都是通过安装libtool,不同的平台有不同的安装方式: 比如ubuntu安装:sudo apt-get install libtool 大多数情况下都能 ...

  6. error: possibly undefined macro: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL问题解决

    sudo apt-get install libtool

  7. php7安装执行configure报错error: off_t undefined; check your library configuration

    vim /etc/ #添加如下几行 /usr/local/lib64 /usr/local/lib /usr/lib /usr/lib64 #保存退出 :wq ldconfig - ...

  8. 【庖丁解牛】configure: error: off_t undefined; check your library configuration

    问题重现 configure: error: off_t undefined; check your library configuration 问题解决 在配置文件里添加如下几行 可以直接复制下面内 ...

  9. Error: go: undefined method `on_intel‘ for #<Resource:0x00007f79a52da200>和Linux 出现-bash:./configure:

    CSDN话题挑战赛第2期 参赛话题:博客写作经验分享 Error: go: undefined method `on_intel' for #Resource:0x00007f79a52da200 当 ...


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