一、Decision Trees Agorithms的简介

  决策树算法(Decision Trees Agorithms),是如今最流行的机器学习算法之一,它即能做分类又做回归(不像之前介绍的其他学习算法),在本文中,将介绍如何用它来对数据做分类。

  本文参照了Madhu Sanjeevi ( Mady )的Decision Trees Algorithms,有能力的读者可去阅读原文。


二、Why Decision trees?




    其二,它能将它做出决策的逻辑过程可视化(不同于SVM, NN, 或是神经网络等,对于用户而言是一个黑盒), 例如下图,就是一个银行是否给客户发放贷款使用决策树决策的一个过程。

三、What is the decision tree??

  A decision tree is a tree where each node represents a feature(attribute), each link(branch) represents a decision(rule) and each leaf represents an outcome(categorical or continues value).


  step 1:判断Age,Age<27.5,则Class=High;否则,执行step 2。

  step 2: 判断CarType,CarType∈Sports,则Class=High;否则Class=Low。


四、How to build this??




  1. ID3 (Iterative Dichotomiser 3) → uses Entropy function and Information gain as metrics.
  2. CART (Classification and Regression Trees) → uses Gini Index(Classification) as metric.

————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 首先,我们使用第一种算法来对一个经典的分类问题建立决策树:


  Let’s just take a famous dataset in the machine learning world which is whether dataset(playing game Y or N based on whether condition).

  We have four X values (outlook,temp,humidity and windy) being categorical and one y value (play Y or N) also being categorical.

  So we need to learn the mapping (what machine learning always does) between X and y.

  This is a binary classification problem, lets build the tree using the ID3 algorithm.

  首先,决策树,也是一棵树,在计算机科学中,树是一种数据结构,它有根节点(root node),分枝(branch),和叶子节点(leaf node)。

  而对于一颗决策树,each node represents a feature(attribute),so first, we need to choose the root node from (outlook, temp, humidity, windy). 那么改如何选择呢?

  Answer: Determine the attribute that best classifies the training data; use this attribute at the root of the tree. Repeat this process at for each branch. 


  所以问题又来了,how do we choose the best attribute? 

  Answer: use the attribute with the highest information gain in ID3.


  In order to define information gain precisely, we begin by defining a measure commonly used in information theory, called entropy(熵) that characterizes the impurity of an arbitrary collection of examples.”

  So what's the entropy? (下图是wikipedia给出的定义)


  有了Entropy的概念,便可以定义Information gain:


1.compute the entropy for data-set
2.for every attribute/feature:1.calculate entropy for all categorical values2.take average information entropy for the current attribute3.calculate gain for the current attribute
3. pick the highest gain attribute.
4. Repeat until we get the tree we desired.



    step2(计算每一项feature的entropy and information gain):


    step3 (选择Info gain最高的属性):


      上表列出了每一项feature的entropy and information gain,我们可以发现Outlook便是我们要找的那个attribute。

    So our root node is Outlook:





—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————  接着,我们使用第二种算法来建立决策树(Classification with using the CART algorithm):

    CART算法其实与ID3非常相像,只是每次选择时的指标不同,在ID3中我们使用entropy来计算Informaition gain,而在CART中,我们使用Gini index来计算Gini gain。

    同样的,对于一个二分类问题而言(Yes or No),有四种组合:1 0 , 0 1 , 1 0 , 0 0,则存在

P(Target=1).P(Target=1) + P(Target=1).P(Target=0) + P(Target=0).P(Target=1) + P(Target=0).P(Target=0) = 1
P(Target=1).P(Target=0) + P(Target=0).P(Target=1) = 1 — P^2(Target=0) — P^2(Target=1)

    那么,对于二分类问题的Gini index定义如下:

  A Gini score gives an idea of how good a split is by how mixed the classes are in the two groups created by the split. A perfect separation results in a Gini score of 0, whereas the worst case split that results in 50/50 classes.

  所以,对于一个二分类问题,最大的Gini index:

  = 1 — (1/2)^2 — (1/2)^2
  = 1–2*(1/2)^2
  = 1- 2*(1/4)
  = 1–0.5
  = 0.5

  和二分类类似,我们可以定义出多分类时Gini index的计算公式:


  Maximum value of Gini Index could be when all target values are equally distributed.

  同样的,当取最大的Gini index时,可以写为(一共有k类且每一类数量相等时): = 1–1/k

  当所有样本属于同一类别时,Gini index为0。

  此时我们就可以根据Gini gani来选择所需的node,Gini gani的计算公式(类似于information gain的计算)如下:

  那么便可以使用类似于ID3的算法的思想建立decision tree,步骤如下:

1.compute the gini index for data-set
2.for every attribute/feature:1.calculate gini index for all categorical values2.take average information entropy(这里指GiniGain(A,S)的右半部分,跟ID3中的不同) for the current attribute 
3.calculate the gini gain
3. pick the best gini gain attribute.
4. Repeat until we get the tree we desired.

  最终,形成的decision tree如下:




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