
Change the default options with $().citypicker(options).

Change the global default options with $.fn.citypicker.setDefaults(options).


Type: Boolean

Default: false

Make the address level more simple, e.g. 内蒙古 instead of 内蒙古自治区.


Type: String

Default: district

Only province, province + city, or province + city + district.


Type: Boolean

Default: false

make the drop down and mask span responsive on width.


Type: Boolean

Default: 请输入省/市/区

Show placeholder (with an element).


Type: String

Default: null

Defines the initial value of province. If it is a existing province in city-picker.data.js, it will be selected. If not, it will be used as a placeholder.


Type: String

Default: null

Defines the initial value of city. If it is a existing city under the

selected province, it will be selected. If not, it will be used as a



Type: String

Default: null

Defines the initial value of district. If it is a existing district

under the selected city, it will be selected. If not, it will be used as

a placeholder.



Reset the selects to the initial states (Undo changed).




Destroy the city-picker instance, but keep the selected districts.

If you want to remove the selected districts, you can call reset method first and then call this method.

No conflict

If you have to use other plugin with the same namespace, just call the $.fn.city-picker.noConflict method to revert to it.

Browser support

Chrome (latest 2)

Firefox (latest 2)

Internet Explorer 8+

Opera (latest 2)

Safari (latest 2)


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