本文翻译自:How do you get centered content using Twitter Bootstrap?

I'm trying to follow a very basic example. 我试图遵循一个非常基本的例子。 Using the starter page and the grid system , I was hoping the following: 使用入门页面和网格系统 ,我希望以下内容:

 <div class="row"> <div class="span12"> <h1>Bootstrap starter template</h1> <p>Example text.</p> </div> </div> 

...would produce centered text. ......会产生中心文本。

However, it still appears on the far left. 但是,它仍然出现在最左边。 What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?




The best way to do this is define a css style: 最好的方法是定义一个css样式:

.centered-text {text-align:center

Then where ever you need centered text you add it like so: 然后你需要居中的文本,你可以像这样添加它:

<div class="row"><div class="span12 centered-text"><h1>Bootstrap starter template</h1><p>Use this document as a way to quick start any new project.<br> All you get is this message and a barebones HTML document.</p></div>

or if you just want the p tag centered: 或者如果你只想让p标签居中:

<div class="row"><div class="span12 centered-text"><h1>Bootstrap starter template</h1><p class="centered-text">Use this document as a way to quick start any new project.<br> All you get is this message and a barebones HTML document.</p></div>

The less inline css you use the better. 你使用的内联css越少越好。


If you are using Bootstrap 2.0+ 如果您使用的是Bootstrap 2.0+

This can make the div centered to the page. 这可以使div以页面为中心。

<div class="row"><div class="span4 offset4">//your content here gets centered of the page</div>


Any text-align utility class would do the trick. 任何文本对齐实用程序类都可以解决问题。 Bootstrap has been using .text-center class for centering text for a long time now. Bootstrap已经使用.text-center类来长时间居中文本了。

.text-center { text-align: center !important; }

Or you can create your own utilities. 或者您可以创建自己的实用程序。 Some variations I've seen over the years: 我多年来看到的一些变化:

.u-text-center { text-align: center !important; }
.ta-center { text-align: center !important; }
.ta\:c { text-align: center !important; }


NOTE: this was removed in Bootstrap 3 . 注意:这在Bootstrap 3中被删除 。

Pre-Bootstrap 3, you could use the CSS class pagination-centered like this: Pre-Bootstrap 3,你可以使用CSS类pagination-centered如下所示:

<div class="span12 pagination-centered">Centered content.

Class pagination-centered is already in bootstrap.css (or bootstrap.min.css) and has the only one rule: pagination-centered类已经在bootstrap.css(或bootstrap.min.css)中并且只有一个规则:


With Bootstrap 2.3.0. 使用Bootstrap 2.3.0。 just use class text-center 只需使用类text-center


On my side I define new CSS styles ready to use and easy to remember: 在我这边,我定义了可以使用且易于记忆的新CSS样式:

.center { text-align: center;}
.left { text-align: left;}
.right { text-align: right;}
.justify { text-align: justify;}
.fleft { float: left;} /*-> similar to .pull-left already existing in bootstrap*/
.fright { float: right;}  /*-> similar to .pull-right already existing in bootstrap*/
.vab { vertical-align: bottom;}
.bold { font-weight: bold;}
.italic { font-style: italic;}

Is it a good idea? 这是个好主意吗? Is there any good practice for this? 这有什么好的做法吗?

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