

Processors / Platforms

- FSGSBASE is finally mainlined in offering various performance benefits.

- The Intel P-State driver for frequency scaling now supports operating in passive mode with hardware p-states (HWP) enabled.

- P2PDMA is now enabled for usage with all AMD Zen CPUs and newer for peer-to-peer direct memory access between multiple PCI Express devices.

- Continued POWER10 enablement for these upcoming IBM/OpenPOWER processors.

- Improved TLB flushing on OpenRISC.

- Intel Keem Bay support.

- Support for using the Intel SERIALIZE instruction to be found on future CPUs.

- More RISC-V architecture features have been implemented.

- ARM/ARM64 is now defaulting to Schedutil as the default CPU frequency scaling governor.

- Removal of the Unicore 32-bit RISC architecture.


- AMD Sienna Cichlid and Navy Flounder support as the first GFX10.3 / Navi 2 graphics processors. These GPUs are expected to be launched later this year. Besides Linux 5.9+, Mesa 20.2 and LLVM 11.0 are also needed for the open-source driver support.

- Intel Rocket Lake support for that desktop CPU expected next year with Gen12 graphics.

- The first-cut DG1 support for Intel's Xe discrete graphics card. The initial bits are in place but will likely be a few kernel releases before it's all in good standing.

- Many other open-source graphics/display driver improvements.

Motherboards & More Hardware

- Support for a lot of new audio hardware as well as Intel Silent Stream support.

- Intel Emmitsburg support has begun appearing.

Storage / File-Systems

- Many IO_uring improvements.

- Btrfs performance improvements and other optimizations.

- FSCRYPT inline encryption for use with modern SoCs.

- Secure TRIM for F2FS along with garbage collection enhancements and more for this Flash-Friendly File-System.

- Many improvements for XFS.

- The NFS client and NFS server now support user extended attributes "user xattrs" with NFSv4.

- Intel has led support for NVDIMM firmware updates without needing system reboots.

- NVMe ZNS support for zoned namespaces.


- Mellanox VDPA driver for newer ConnectX devices. This is for Virtual Data Path Acceleration support.

- Ath11k now supports 6GHz WiFi.

- Xilinx EF100 network support.

- Many other Linux network driver updates.


- Removal of Xen 32-bit PV guest support.

- POWER10 virtualization support.

- Support for using Intel SERIALIZE within KVM guests.


- Continued work on USB4.

- A new driver for the Corsair Commander Pro.

- Tightening up of writing to CPU MSRs from user-space and to be further restricted potentially moving forward.

- Support for building the Linux x86 32-bit kernel with Clang.

- The close_range system call has finally been introduced.

- Checkpoint/restore on unprivileged processes that can be used for use-cases like container migration, speeding up the JVM start-up, and more. Until now the kernel has just worked nicely around checkpoint/restore for processes running as root.

- Several drivers promoted out of staging including Speakup as a Linux console reader for the visually impaired.

- Various perf changes from Intel Architectural LBR support to Comet Lake uncore support.

- Device link details are exposed via sysfs.

- Sony-provided support for restricting DebugFS access by user-space.

- Faster probe/boot time thanks to HID improvements.

- The usual abundance of char/misc changes.

- Various scheduler improvements including the ability to change the default boost value for real-time workloads.

- A safeguard to prevent "shims" from using GPL-only symbols when being used by proprietary (non-GPL) drivers.

- A multi-color LED framework has been added thanks to Texas Instruments.


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