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}else {

if ($this->currentPage<6) {


for ($i = 1; $i < $this->currentPage; $i++) {




for ($i = $this->currentPage+1; $i <= 7; $i++) {






}else {

if ($this->currentPage>=$this->totalPage-4) {




for ($i = $this->totalPage-6; $i < $this->currentPage; $i++) {




for ($i = $this->currentPage+1; $i <= $this->totalPage; $i++) {




}elseif ($this->currentPagetotalPage-4){//1+5+1















}elseif ($this->totalPage<=0){

throw new Exception("页面不可能小于1");


return $str;



* 一般标签

* @param int $param 页码

* @return string


function commonTag($param) {

return ''.$param.'';



* 生成当前页标签

* @param int $param 页码

* @return string


function currentTag() {

return ''.$this->currentPage.'';



* 生成下一页标签

* @param int $param 下一页页码


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