
After spending more than 1,000 hours writing and editing stories for our Medium publication, I’ve decided to create this living style guide for contributors. Feel free to use it for your publication as well.

在花了1000多个小时为我们的《中型》出版物撰写和编辑故事后,我决定为投稿人创建这份生活指南。 也可以在您的出版物中随意使用它。

标题 (Headlines)

These are the most important part of your story, and you should put some serious thought into them.


Don’t use clickbait:


“You won’t believe this one ridiculously effective headline dark pattern”


Don’t use listicles:


“11 outrageous headlines that will compel people to read your Medium story”

“ 11个令人发指的标题,将迫使人们阅读您的中型故事”

Do tell the truth:


“Clever but matter-of-fact headline about an interesting topic”


Don’t label stories that are part 1 of a series “part 1.” It scares people off, as they will perceive reading it to be a bigger time commitment. And who knows when you’ll get around to writing part 2, anyway.

不要标记系列“第1部分”中第1部分的故事。 它使人们感到恐惧,因为他们会认为阅读它是一个更大的时间投入。 谁知道您什么时候才能撰写第二部分。

Also, if your headline is too long, Medium will truncate it. Long headlines can also prevent your top image from appearing in news feeds.

另外,如果标题太长,Medium将截断它。 较长的标题还会阻止您的热门图片出现在新闻Feed中。

图片 (Images)

Medium offers four different image widths. Note that these will all look the same on mobile.

中号提供四种不同的图像宽度。 请注意,这些内容在移动设备上看起来都是一样的。

Most of the time, you’ll want to stick with column width:


If you have a chart that is hard to read when it’s small, go bigger:


And if you’re really proud of an image, or if it’s chock full of interesting data, go full-bleed:


… and then there’s side straddle. Don’t use this size at all, because it makes the text less comfortable to read.

……然后是侧面跨骑。 完全不要使用此大小,因为它会使文本阅读起来不太舒服。

It’s also awkward when you’re done talking about the photo and your text is still pushed to the side.


Yeah. I’m still stuck over here.

是的 我仍然被困在这里。

Always include a high-resolution image at the top of a story under your headline. This has the following benefits:

始终在标题下方的故事顶部包含高分辨率图像。 这具有以下好处:

  1. When people share your story on Facebook and Twitter, it will be more prominent in news feeds, making people more likely to click on it.
  2. It will look better in Medium’s own news feeds.
  3. Humans are visual creatures, and click on images.

归因 (Attribution)

The simplest way to attribute an image is to put the words “Image credit” below an image, and link this text to its original source.


In some cases, this might not prove enough for an image right holder. In practice, though, most magazines and movie studios have better things to do than send cease and desist letters to people who merely attributed their copyrighted images.

在某些情况下,对于图像版权持有人来说,这可能还不够。 但是实际上,大多数杂志和电影制片厂要做的事要比向仅归因于其受版权保护的图像的人发送停止和终止信件要好得多。

If you’re looking for images you can safely use without permission, check out Pexels, Unsplash, or search Google for images labeled for re-use.

如果您正在寻找图片,可以在未经许可的情况下安全使用,请查看Pexels , Unsplash或在Google中搜索标记为可重复使用的图片。

Plagiarism — misrepresenting someone else’s writing as your own — is a serious offense in college, and it’s just as serious on Medium. Always attribute quotes to the people who originally said them. If it’s a multi-line quote, you should use Medium’s pull quotes:

gi窃-歪曲别人的作品作为自己的作品-在大学里是严重的违法行为,在中型媒体上也是如此。 始终将引号归于最初说过的人。 如果是多行引号,则应使用中号的拉引号:

“When you have wit of your own, it’s a pleasure to credit other people for theirs.”


Criss Jami


Note that you should not use pull quotes under any other circumstances, as they make the text harder to read. Resist the temptation to use pull quotes to quote your own story, or to tease something you’re about to say anyway. This is self-aggrandizing and wastes your readers’ time.

请注意,在任何其他情况下都不应使用拉引号,因为它们会使文本难以阅读。 抵制使用引号引述您自己的故事或嘲笑您将要说的话的诱惑。 这是自我强化,浪费了读者的时间。


Where possible, code should be in text form rather than images. This makes the code more accessible to screen readers, and easier for people to copy and paste. Here’s how you can do this:

可能的话,代码应采用文本形式而不是图像形式。 这使屏幕阅读器更易于访问代码,并且人们更容易复制和粘贴代码。 这是您可以执行的操作:

How to add code blocks to Medium and use embed tools for syntax highlightingMedium has a hidden shortcut that will turn text plain text…medium.freecodecamp.com

如何在Medium中添加代码块并使用嵌入工具突出显示语法 Medium具有隐藏的快捷方式,该快捷方式可以将文本转换为纯文本... medium.freecodecamp.com

Figure out a way to work a link into a sentence. If a link is vital to a story, put it on its own line and press enter. This will create a preview card, like this:

找出将链接链接到句子的方法。 如果链接对于故事至关重要,则将其放在单独的行中,然后按Enter。 这将创建一个预览卡,如下所示:

How to stand on the shoulders of giantsConquer Not Invented Here Syndrome, then do something new.medium.freecodecamp.com

如何站在巨人的肩膀上 征服“此处未发明”综合症,然后做一些新的事情。 medium.freecodecamp.com

Underlining text makes it harder to read, so only hyperlink a few words.


Don’t paste URLS directly, like this: http://www.example.com

不要直接粘贴URL,例如: http : //www.example.com

Do use their top-level domains if it’s a part of their brand, like art.com.

如果它是其品牌的一部分,请使用其顶级域名,例如art.com 。

嵌入媒体 (Embedding media)

You can embed Tweets, YouTube videos, and other media by pasting their URLs into Medium on a new line, then pressing enter.


Use these sparingly, since they may distract your reader from finishing your story.


缩略语 (Acronyms)

Don’t use an acronym unless the acronym is more widely understood than what it stands for. For example, HTTP is more widely recognized than Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

不要使用首字母缩写词,除非该首字母缩写词比它所代表的含义更广为人知。 例如,HTTP比超文本传输​​协议得到更广泛的认可。

If an acronym isn’t already widely understood, and you’re going to refer to it more than a few times, you can define it as an acronym by doing this:


“Let’s break the code down into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).”

“让我们将代码分解为抽象语法树 (AST)。”

Here I also linked to the Wikipedia article, for readers’ convenience. Don’t assume people will read these external links, though. You still need to define concepts or illustrate them through example.

为了方便读者,在这里我还链接了Wikipedia文章。 但是,不要以为人们会阅读这些外部链接。 您仍然需要定义概念或通过示例进行说明。

Avoid defining an acronym in your opening paragraphs, as it slows your reader down and makes them less likely to continue reading.


Here’s the very short list of technology acronyms that you don’t need to define: API, AJAX, BIOS, CPU, CSS, HTML, HTTPS, LAN, RAM, REST, USB, WWW, XML. For everything else, you should spell it out.

这是您不需要定义的技术缩写的简短列表:API,AJAX,BIOS,CPU,CSS,HTML,HTTPS,LAN,RAM,REST,USB,WWW,XML。 对于其他所有内容,您都应说明。

Always spell out short multi-part words like JavaScript and front-end. Don’t shorten them — the brevity isn’t worth the possible confusion.

始终拼写出包含JavaScript和前端之类的简短的多部分单词。 不要缩短它们-简洁不值得造成混乱。

文字格式 (Text Formatting)

You can use bold or italic — never both — to place emphasis on a few words. These slow the reader down, and should be used sparingly. Don’t use bold or italic on links. These already stand out due to the underline.

您可以使用粗体或斜体(不能同时使用两者)来强调几个单词。 这些会使阅读器变慢,应谨慎使用。 请勿在链接上使用粗体或斜体。 由于具有下划线,这些已经突出。

Don’t use drop caps. They look elegant in old books, but silly on the web.

不要使用首字下沉。 它们在旧书中看起来很优雅,但在网络上却很愚蠢。

If you want to emphasize something, use bold. Italics are harder to read. Don’t bold hyperlinks — the line underneath them already provides enough emphasis.

如果您想强调一些内容,请使用粗体斜体字更难读。 不要用粗体显示超链接-它们下面的线已经足够强调了。

Only use one exclamation point, typically only after exclamations like: Golly gee! Hot dog!

仅使用一个感叹号,通常仅在类似感叹号之后使用:Golly gee! 热狗!

Put commas and periods inside quotes, except when it might confuse a reader (like with variable names or book titles).


In some parts of the world, people put spaces before colons, like this : example. Don’t do this.

在世界的某些地方,人们在冒号之前放置空格,例如:example。 不要这样

Use English instead of Latin:


  • Use “for example” instead of “E.G.”
    使用“例如”代替“ EG”
  • Use “that is” instead of “I.E.”
    使用“即”代替“ IE”
  • Use “note that” instead of “N.B.”
    使用“注意”而不是“ NB”
  • Instead of ending lists with “etc.” start them with “like”: “Elvis ate food like bread, peanut butter, and bananas.”
    而不是用“等”结尾列表。 以“喜欢”开始:“猫王吃面包,花生酱和香蕉等食物。”

According to Google Books, semicolons have been dying a slow death. Let’s put them out of their misery. Just use a period instead and break clauses into separate sentences.

根据Google图书的说法,分号已死于缓慢的死亡。 让我们摆脱他们的痛苦。 只需使用句号,然后将子句分成单独的句子即可。

Use the Oxford Comma when possible. It’s makes things easier, clearer, and prettier to read.

尽可能使用牛津逗号。 它使事情变得更容易,更清晰和更漂亮。

样式 (Style)

Use the Hemingway App. There’s nothing magical about this simple tool, but it will automatically detect widely agreed-upon style issues:

使用Hemingway App 。 这个简单的工具没有什么神奇的,但是它将自动检测出广泛认可的样式问题:

  • passive voice
  • unnecessary adverbs
  • words that have more common equivalents

The Hemingway App will assign a “grade level” for your writing. Even technical stories can pull off a grade level of 6. And they should aspire to.

海明威应用程序将为您的写作分配一个“年级”。 甚至技术故事也可以达到6级。他们应该向往。

Most humans are not native English speakers, and the ones who are don’t usually sit around reading Chaucer all day. They want their information accessible and to the point.

大多数人不是讲英语的人,而那些通常不整天坐在草地上读书的人。 他们希望他们的信息可以访问并指向重点。

Err on the side of breaking long sentences and paragraphs down into shorter ones.


Use contractions. They’ll make your prose seem more conversational. That’s always a plus.

使用宫缩。 他们会让您的散文看起来更具对话性。 这总是一个加号。

Keep your tense consistent throughout. If you’re talking about something that occurred in past, use past tense.

始终保持一致。 如果您在谈论过去发生的事情,请使用过去时。

Refer to your reader as “you” — not “we” or “us.” “We” are not going to do this tutorial, your reader is going to read your tutorial and do it on their own.

将您的读者称为“您”,而不是“我们”或“我们”。 “我们”不会做本教程,您的读者将阅读您的教程并自己完成。

Also, front-end development (adjective form with a dash) is when you working on the front end (noun form with no dash). The same goes with the back end, full stack, and many other compound terms.

同样, 前端开发(带破折号的形容词形式)是在前端上工作(带破折号的名词形式)。 后端,完整堆栈和许多其他复合术语也是如此。

最终建议 (Final advice)

Remember that when you publish on Medium, you’re asking thousands of people to give you several minutes of their lives. Don’t take your readers for granted.

请记住,当您在Medium上发布时,您是在要求成千上万的人给您几分钟的生命。 不要把你的读者视为理所当然。

Before you publish a story, I recommend you sleep, wake up, then proof-read it again.


If you aren’t a native English speaker and are writing in English, ask a native speaker to proof-read your story before submitting it to a publication.


When you submit your story to a publication, you should expect for editors to actually edit it. Remember that these people spend a lot more time editing stories than you do, and have a more evolved sense of “what works.” But don’t let this stop you from asking questions and correcting any factual inaccuracies they may introduce.

当您将故事提交给出版物时,应该期望编辑人员对其进行实际编辑。 请记住,这些人花在编辑故事上的时间比您花费更多的时间,并且对“有效方法”的理解更加演变。 但是,不要让这阻止您提出问题并纠正他们可能会引入的任何事实错误。

Be wary of publications that publish your story without making any edits. If they didn’t bother editing it (or even reading it?), they probably won’t put much effort into publicizing it, either.

警惕发布您的故事而未进行任何编辑的出版物。 如果他们不花心思编辑(甚至阅读?),他们可能也不会花太多精力来宣传它。

Oh, and don’t open your story with “This was published on my blog at” or “update: this has been posted on Hacker News.” If you choose to add notes like this, put them at the very bottom of your story. People didn’t click through to your story only to be immediately sent away — they came to read your story.

哦,不要用“此消息已发布在我的博客上”或“更新:此消息已发布在Hacker News”上打开您的故事。 如果您选择添加注释,请把它们放在故事的最底部。 人们并没有立即点击浏览您的故事,而是立即阅读了您的故事。

Note that freeCodeCamp itself is no longer publishes on Medium. Instead we publish here. Here's how to get published in freeCodeCamp's publication.

请注意,freeCodeCamp本身不再发布在Medium上。 相反,我们在这里发布。 这是在freeCodeCamp的出版物中获得发布的方法 。

If you want to learn more about effective writing on Medium itself, read How to write Medium stories people will actually read.

如果您想了解有关在Medium上进行有效写作的更多信息,请阅读如何撰写人们会实际阅读的Medium故事 。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/a-style-guide-for-writing-on-medium-fcbad27492ea/



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