It's one thing to talk about decorating a small space—try under-counter refrigerators instead of a huge tall one, we might advise—but quite another to actually do it. In the case of those fridges, you can feel comfortable taking the leap thanks to a particularly good real-life example: Ryan Lawson's smart kitchen design in Greenwich Village. He got rid of the big fridge that blocked the window and purchased two under-counter ones to go in its place, making the room feel much bigger and breezier .

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And he loves it! (Key, in our opinion.) We get some of our favorite small-space ideas from the home tours we run on Clever, real spaces designed by intuitive decorators—often the owners themselves, who can attest to the quality of the hacks and tricks because they actually live with them. Here are 15 that recently caught our eye for you to try.

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Tone on tone is one of our favorite tricks for helping a small room feel less cluttered, which the pieces cofounders expertly employed in their Brooklyn apartment by painting the radiators the same color as the walls. Now you see an ugly, bulky appliance; now you don't.

Mia Cucina offers functional kitchen cabinets design with Italian-imported materials to generate the design ideas for your unique kitchen.Visit our showroom for discovering the most distinctive style that suits your ideal kitchen today.

If you've got a window in your bedroom, and hopefully you do, use the sill as a nightstand and then you won't have to allot any extra square footage to getting a little table on the other side. H/t to Jessica Herber, who taught us this trick in her apartment in Germany.


15 Small-Space Tricks We're Stealing from Real Tiny Apartments相关推荐

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