cuDNN 功能模块解析


本cuDNN 8.0.4开发人员指南概述了cuDNN功能,如可自定义的数据布局、支持灵活的dimension ordering,striding,4D张量的子区域,这些张量用作其所有例程的输入和输出。这种灵活性可简单集成到任何神经网络实现中。

要访问cuDNN API参考,请参阅cuDNN


  1. Overview

Neural Network library™ (cuDNN) 提供了深度神经网络GPU加速库。该cuDNN数据类型参考API描述了所有类型和枚举的 cuDNN库API。该cuDNN API参考描述了所有程序的API cuDNN库。


cudnn_ops_infer -该实体包含与cuDNN上下文创建和销毁,张量描述符管理器,张量实用程序以及常见ML算法的推理部分(例如批处理归一化,softmax,dropout等)有关的例程。
cudnn_ops_train -该实体包含通用的训练例程和算法,例如批量归一化,softmax,dropout等。
cudnn_ops_train 库依赖于 cudnn_ops_infer。
cudnn_cnn_infer-该实体包含推理时所需的与卷积神经网络相关的所有例程。的 cudnn_cnn_infer 库依赖于 cudnn_ops_infer。
cudnn_cnn_train-该实体包含训练期间所需的与卷积神经网络相关的所有例程。的 cudnn_cnn_train 库依赖于 cudnn_ops_infer, cudnn_ops_train和 cudnn_cnn_infer。
cudnn_adv_infer-该实体包含所有其他功能和算法。这包括RNN,CTC loss和多线程attention。cudnn_adv_infer 库依赖于 cudnn_ops_infer。
cudnn_adv_train -该实体包含以下所有cudnn_adv_infer训练对象 。 cudnn_adv_train 库依赖于 cudnn_ops_infer, cudnn_ops_train和 cudnn_adv_infer。
cudnn -这是应用程序层和cuDNN代码之间的可选填充层。该层在运行时适时地为API开放了适配的库。
cudnn_ops_infer -
This entity contains the routines related to cuDNN context creation and
destruction, tensor descriptor management, tensor utility routines, and
the inference portion of common ML algorithms such as batch normalization,
softmax, dropout, etc.
cudnn_ops_train -
This entity contains common training routines and algorithms, such as
batch normalization, softmax, dropout, etc. The cudnn_ops_train library
depends on cudnn_ops_infer.
cudnn_cnn_infer -
This entity contains all routines related to convolutional neural networks
needed at inference time. The cudnn_cnn_infer library depends
on cudnn_ops_infer.
cudnn_cnn_train -
This entity contains all routines related to convolutional neural networks
needed during training time. The cudnn_cnn_train library depends
on cudnn_ops_infer, cudnn_ops_train,
and cudnn_cnn_infer.
cudnn_adv_infer -
This entity contains all other features and algorithms. This includes
RNNs, CTC loss, and Multihead Attention. The cudnn_adv_infer library depends
on cudnn_ops_infer.
cudnn_adv_train -
This entity contains all the training counterparts of cudnn_adv_infer.
The cudnn_adv_train library
depends on cudnn_ops_infer, cudnn_ops_train,
and cudnn_adv_infer.
cudnn -
This is an optional shim layer between the application layer and the cuDNN
code. This layer opportunistically opens the correct library for the API
at runtime.

  1. Programming Model





cuDNN API Compatibility

Beginning in cuDNN 7, the binary compatibility of a patch and minor releases is maintained as follows:

Any patch release x.y.z is forward or backward-compatible with applications built against another cuDNN patch release x.y.w (meaning, of the same major and minor version number, but having w!=z).
cuDNN minor releases beginning with cuDNN 7 are binary backward-compatible with applications built against the same or earlier patch release
(meaning, an application built against cuDNN 7.x is binary compatible with cuDNN library 7.y, where y>=x).
Applications compiled with a cuDNN version 7.y are not guaranteed to work with 7.x release when y > x.

  1. Convolution Formulas

This section describes the various convolution formulas implemented in convolution functions.

The convolution terms described in the table below apply to all the convolution formulas that follow.

Table 1. Convolution terms

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