
/home/carloz/programfiles/quickbuild6/buildagent/bin/agent.sh start

/home/carloz/programfiles/quickbuild6/buildagent/bin/agent.sh stop


安装指南 http://wiki.pmease.com/display/QB60/Build+Agent+Installation+Guide

1. 启动 QuickBuild server, 并且login to QuickBuild as administrator, 然后打开 Grid tab

点击 download build agent , 下载 buildagent 软件,并解压在 安装目录下

carloz@linux:~/programfiles/quickbuild6$ cd buildagent/
carloz@linux:~/programfiles/quickbuild6/buildagent$ pwd
carloz@linux:~/programfiles/quickbuild6/buildagent$ ls
asset  bin  conf  logs  plugins


2. 保证系统已经安装了  JDK6 or JDK7 , 环境变量已经被设定,并且java 命令能够被执行

3. 运行  <agent install dir>/bin/config.bat|sh 来设置build agent的属性, 如 IP address, port number, SSL setting, 等等

carloz@linux:~/programfiles/quickbuild6/buildagent$ bin/config.sh
java version "1.8.0_60"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_60-b27)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.60-b23, mixed mode)

信息保存在 /home/carloz/programfiles/quickbuild6/buildagent/conf/node.properties里, 如下

carloz@linux:~/programfiles/quickbuild6/buildagent$ bin/agent.sh
Usage: bin/agent.sh [ console | start | stop | restart | condrestart | status | install | remove | dump ]Commands:console      Launch in the current console.start        Start in the background as a daemon process.stop         Stop if running as a daemon or in another console.restart      Stop if running and then start.condrestart  Restart only if already running.status       Query the current status.install      Install to start automatically when system boots.remove       Uninstall.dump         Request a Java thread dump if running.carloz@linux:~/programfiles/quickbuild6/buildagent$ bin/agent.sh start
Starting QuickBuild Build Agent...
Waiting for QuickBuild Build Agent......
running: PID:13984

4. 在build agent 启动以后, 我们会发现我们并不能运行它, 我们需要在 QuickBuild server 中添加, 并且授权加入网络

4.1 打开 http://localhost:8810/grid/active_nodes

这里仅仅有一个节点, 这个节点 就是QuickBuild server 本身.

我们需要在这里添加 build agent, 方法参考  Working with Build Grid , 在未授权 节点列表里找到并选中它,  给他授权, 如下

然后 Active nodes 列表就变成了两个

然而 我发现 http://localhost:8811/ 这个网址还是不能访问, 返回404, 需要继续解决


Supported operating systems

  • Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7, Windows server 2003/2008, 32 bit and 64 bit, x86 and IA architecture
  • Linux, 32 bit and 64 bit, x86, PowerPC and S/390 architecture
  • Mac OS X, 32 bit and 64 bit
  • Solaris, 32 bit and 64 bit, Sparc and x86 architecture
  • AIX, 32 bit and 64 bit, PowerPC architecture
  • HP-UX, 32 bit and 64 bit, IA and PARISC architecture
  • FreeBSD, 32 bit and 64 bit, x86 architecture

Memory requirement

  • 64M minimum, 256M recommended

Installation Steps

  1. Make sure QuickBuild server is up and running, login to QuickBuild as administrator and navigate to Grid tab, follow the download build agent link to download the build agent. Extract downloaded file into the directory where the build agent should be installed. Make sure the user running user agent has full access rights to the installation directory.
  2. Make sure you have JDK6 or JDK7 installed. Download the appropriate JDK version from http://java.sun.com if needed.
  3. Make sure the java command exists in the system path; if not, you will need to modify the file conf/wrapper.conf under the build agent's installation directory, and point the entry wrapper.java.command to path of the java command.
  4. Optionally run <agent install dir>/bin/config.bat|sh) to configure build agent properties such as IP address, port number, SSL setting, etc.
  5. Open a command prompt window, switch to folder <agent install dir>/bin, and run command agent.(bat|sh) console to start the agent.

    Follow this guide on how to install the agent as system service so that it auto-starts when machine reboots.

  6. After the agent starts up, it may complain with the message "This build agent is not authorized to join the grid". Upon this, you need to login to QuickBuild server and authorize the agent to join the grid. Refer to Working with Build Grid for how to authorize build agents to join grid.
  7. If the build agent is connected to QuickBuild server correctly, you will see its entry in active node list of the build grid like below by logging in as administrator:

Trouble Shooting

If your agent does not connect with server, please make sure that:

  1. You can telnet to server port from agent machine with below command:

    telnet _<server host name>_ _<server port>_

    Here <server host name> and <server port> has to be extracted from serverUrl in file conf/node.properties of under agent directory.

  2. You can telnet to agent port from server machine with below command:
    telnet <agent ip address> <agent port>
  3. If auto-detected agent ip reported in server console log is incorrect, specify it explicitly by editing conf/node.properties of the agent to add below property:
    ip=_<agent ip address>_

  4. Recently we found a case where QB agent from other subnets connects to server but then times out during initialization (agents from same subnet works fine), and it turns out that server response package is dropped for some reason (maybe the package content matches some pre-set drop rule) across the gateway, and the problem is solved by connecting to server via ssl port so that server response package is encrypted.


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