import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; //導入方法依賴的package包/類


* Returns a string describing this {@code Class}, including

* information about modifiers and type parameters.


* The string is formatted as a list of type modifiers, if any,

* followed by the kind of type (empty string for primitive types

* and {@code class}, {@code enum}, {@code interface}, or

* @{@code interface}, as appropriate), followed

* by the type's name, followed by an angle-bracketed

* comma-separated list of the type's type parameters, if any.


* A space is used to separate modifiers from one another and to

* separate any modifiers from the kind of type. The modifiers

* occur in canonical order. If there are no type parameters, the

* type parameter list is elided.



Note that since information about the runtime representation

* of a type is being generated, modifiers not present on the

* originating source code or illegal on the originating source

* code may be present.


* @return a string describing this {@code Class}, including

* information about modifiers and type parameters


* @since 1.8


public String toGenericString() {

if (isPrimitive()) {

return toString();

} else {

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

// Class modifiers are a superset of interface modifiers

int modifiers = getModifiers() & Modifier.classModifiers();

if (modifiers != 0) {


sb.append(' ');


if (isAnnotation()) {



if (isInterface()) { // Note: all annotation types are interfaces


} else {

if (isEnum())





sb.append(' ');


TypeVariable>[] typeparms = getTypeParameters();

if (typeparms.length > 0) {

boolean first = true;


for(TypeVariable> typeparm: typeparms) {

if (!first)



first = false;




return sb.toString();



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