
第一个问题是需要问的是我需要定制吗?在一个双核cpu 12G内存 200G硬盘的机器中,维护任务执行得很好

然而定制是必须的对于一个工具的默认配置.总是有特别的案例或者数据库需要特别的照顾.YourSQLDba_DoMaint 存储过程有一些有趣的参数去包含了或者排除了数据库根据他们名字多个通配符的选择条件.这些通配符都是根据SQL"like"操作符.也有默认的操作需要被管理.默认日志备份会在所有的完整恢复模式的数据库上执行.如果


TSQL 支持默认参数,所以存储过程能使用默认值以避免破坏了实际定制的改变

YourSQLDba使用SQLSERVER 数据库邮件去通知DBA 或者应用程序管理者。这很容易去改变profile的邮件配置

How to customize YourSQLDba maintenance

Updated : 2009-02-25

The first question to ask is do I need them ?  On a double dual-core machine with 12Gb of ram and around 200Gb of data the default maintenance perform well.  It takes around 2 hours to complete everything.

Customization is however a must for a tool which by default does almost anything.  There is always special cases or database than have special needs or can't be managed as the other.  YourSQLDba_DoMaint stored procedure have interesting parameters to dynamically include or exclude databases based on their name with multiple wildcard selection criteria.  These wildcards are based on SQL "like" operator.  There is also default behavior that need to be managed.  By default log backups are done for all databases in full recovery mode.  What if, a database is put accidently in simple recovery mode ?  Log backups can be taken.  Is YourSQLDba procedure provide means to detect and signal this unwanted situation ? Yes. Just specify an include database wildcard list.   What if a database is restored, and no new full backup is performed, as it arrives often in a test environment ?  Trying to do log backup raise an SQL Server error message.  In a production environment it is great, you want to have log backups, in test environment it is annoying.  YourSQLDba provides a special parameter to avoid these messages (the default is for production environment).

Customization is easy with YourSQLDba.  It is possible because:

You can do maintenance option customizations
Because YourSQLDba is based on a main stored procedure, parameters allow to:
Chose which maintenance tasks to process
Perform database selection using multiple include/exclude wildcard of type "like" selection.
Choose database backup file retention (one for full backup, the other for log backups)
Spread update statistics load over a specified number of day
Etc. Etc
T-SQL support default parameters, so the procedure can and will be enhanced using default value for them to avoid breaking changes to actual customizations.
You can subdivide maintenance job is substeps with different parameter option
It uses SQL Server Agent to be run.
SQL Server Agent allows to add step to the default maintenance step.  A easy practice is to divide the default maintenance in two or more consecutive steps, and tailor maintenance parameters for the each step (like database selection parameters, operator, database backup retention, maintenance options).  Using steps avoids concurrent maintenance processes, because they run one after another.
You can do environment maintenance customization
YourSQLDba uses SQL Server DatabaseMail to communicate with DBA Admin, or application admin.  It is easy to modify email configuration of the profile and account used by YourSQLDba.
It uses SQL Server Agent Operator definition to stored email recipients to maintenance messages
YourSQLDba have an operator parameter which is set by default to YourSQLDba_operator.  This can be changed


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