起因在于:重启服务器后有时候服务不会启动,而有时候又可以自动运行,唯一差别在于重启命令用的是reboot还是init 6.


init 6 Stop the operating system and reboot to the state defined by the initdefault entry in /etc/inittab.

reboot - reboot performs a sync(1M) operation on the disks, and then a
multi- user reboot is initiated. See init(1M) for details.

"init 6" 基于一系列/etc/inittab文件,并且每个应用都会有一个相应shutdown脚本。
'init 6' 调用一系列shutdown脚本(/etc/rc0.d/K*)来使系统优雅关机;
'reboot'并不执行这些过程,reboot更是一个 kernel级别的命令,不对应用使用shutdown脚本。 .
我们应该在通常情况下使用 init 6.
在出问题的状况下或强制重启 时使用reboot.

reboot is a more aggresive command to use. init 6 is much graceful

  • use of `init 6` will give the cleanest and orderly reboot (init informs svc.startd of the runlevel change and will move to the appropriate milestone).

  • use of `shutdown -y -g0 -i6 **message**` will invoke init as well as give you grace period and messages to user (shutdown invoked the same as init above).

  • halt,reboot,poweroff will not run any of the shutdown scripts and should be last resort.


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