本文主要简介一下jump Consistent hash。

jump consistent hash

jump consistent hash是一致性哈希的一种实现,论文见A Fast, Minimal Memory, Consistent Hash Algorithm
经典的一致性哈希算法来自Consistent Hashing and Random Trees: Distributed Caching Protocols for Relieving Hot Spots on the World Wide Web
jump consistent hash与之的主要区别是节点可以扩容,但是不会移除节点。


int32_t JumpConsistentHash(uint64_t key, int32_t num_buckets) {int64_t b = -1, j = 0;while (j < num_buckets) {b = j;key = key * 2862933555777941757ULL + 1;j = (b + 1) * (double(1LL << 31) / double((key >> 33) + 1));}return b;



/*** Assigns to {@code hashCode} a "bucket" in the range {@code [0, buckets)}, in a uniform manner* that minimizes the need for remapping as {@code buckets} grows. That is, {@code* consistentHash(h, n)} equals:** <ul>* <li>{@code n - 1}, with approximate probability {@code 1/n}* <li>{@code consistentHash(h, n - 1)}, otherwise (probability {@code 1 - 1/n})* </ul>** <p>This method is suitable for the common use case of dividing work among buckets that meet the* following conditions:** <ul>* <li>You want to assign the same fraction of inputs to each bucket.* <li>When you reduce the number of buckets, you can accept that the most recently added buckets* will be removed first. More concretely, if you are dividing traffic among tasks, you can* decrease the number of tasks from 15 and 10, killing off the final 5 tasks, and {@code* consistentHash} will handle it. If, however, you are dividing traffic among servers {@code* alpha}, {@code bravo}, and {@code charlie} and you occasionally need to take each of the* servers offline, {@code consistentHash} will be a poor fit: It provides no way for you to* specify which of the three buckets is disappearing. Thus, if your buckets change from {@code* [alpha, bravo, charlie]} to {@code [bravo, charlie]}, it will assign all the old {@code alpha}* traffic to {@code bravo} and all the old {@code bravo} traffic to {@code charlie}, rather than* letting {@code bravo} keep its traffic.* </ul>*** <p>See the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consistent_hashing">Wikipedia article on* consistent hashing</a> for more information.*/public static int consistentHash(HashCode hashCode, int buckets) {return consistentHash(hashCode.padToLong(), buckets);}/*** Assigns to {@code input} a "bucket" in the range {@code [0, buckets)}, in a uniform manner that* minimizes the need for remapping as {@code buckets} grows. That is, {@code consistentHash(h,* n)} equals:** <ul>* <li>{@code n - 1}, with approximate probability {@code 1/n}* <li>{@code consistentHash(h, n - 1)}, otherwise (probability {@code 1 - 1/n})* </ul>** <p>This method is suitable for the common use case of dividing work among buckets that meet the* following conditions:** <ul>* <li>You want to assign the same fraction of inputs to each bucket.* <li>When you reduce the number of buckets, you can accept that the most recently added buckets* will be removed first. More concretely, if you are dividing traffic among tasks, you can* decrease the number of tasks from 15 and 10, killing off the final 5 tasks, and {@code* consistentHash} will handle it. If, however, you are dividing traffic among servers {@code* alpha}, {@code bravo}, and {@code charlie} and you occasionally need to take each of the* servers offline, {@code consistentHash} will be a poor fit: It provides no way for you to* specify which of the three buckets is disappearing. Thus, if your buckets change from {@code* [alpha, bravo, charlie]} to {@code [bravo, charlie]}, it will assign all the old {@code alpha}* traffic to {@code bravo} and all the old {@code bravo} traffic to {@code charlie}, rather than* letting {@code bravo} keep its traffic.* </ul>*** <p>See the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consistent_hashing">Wikipedia article on* consistent hashing</a> for more information.*/public static int consistentHash(long input, int buckets) {checkArgument(buckets > 0, "buckets must be positive: %s", buckets);LinearCongruentialGenerator generator = new LinearCongruentialGenerator(input);int candidate = 0;int next;// Jump from bucket to bucket until we go out of rangewhile (true) {next = (int) ((candidate + 1) / generator.nextDouble());if (next >= 0 && next < buckets) {candidate = next;} else {return candidate;}}}/*** Linear CongruentialGenerator to use for consistent hashing. See* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_congruential_generator*/private static final class LinearCongruentialGenerator {private long state;public LinearCongruentialGenerator(long seed) {this.state = seed;}public double nextDouble() {state = 2862933555777941757L * state + 1;return ((double) ((int) (state >>> 33) + 1)) / (0x1.0p31);}}


    @Testpublic void testJumpHash(){List<String> nodes = Arrays.asList("ins1","ins2","ins3","ins4");List<String> keys = Arrays.asList("key1","key2","key3","key4");keys.stream().forEach(e -> {int bucket = Hashing.consistentHash(Hashing.md5().hashString(e, Charsets.UTF_8), nodes.size());String node = nodes.get(bucket);System.out.println(e + " >> " + node);});}


  • A Fast, Minimal Memory, Consistent Hash Algorithm

  • 一个速度快内存占用小的一致性哈希算法

  • jump Consistent hash:零内存消耗,均匀,快速,简洁,来自Google的一致性哈希算法

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