最近TechNet blog上比较好玩的blog的就是Oh-Pah-Lis - The Magic Octopus了,关于microsoft Opalis相关技术的。至于Opalis在以前的blog中提到过,大家也可以前往微软的Opalis官方站点查看相关资料。
今天该blog上发布了一篇关于Opalis集成性方面的文章,介绍了可以集成的第三方系统管理软件,看完了这篇文章,不由得感叹,“The Magic Octopus”,如上图。
Opalis Integration Pack
Target Product Version Compatibility
BladeLogic Operations Manager
BladeLogic Configuration Manager or Provisioning Manager 7.4.2 and 7.5.0
BMC Remedy 7.0
BMC Atrium CMDB 2.0
BMC Event Manager
BMC Event Manager 7.0, 7.1, and 7.2
BMC Patrol
BMC Patrol 7 agent 3.5.50 to 3.5.60
BMC Remedy AR System
BMC Remedy AR System 7.1, 7.0, 6.3, 6.0, 5.1
CA Autosys
CA AutoSys 4.51
CA AutoSys r11
CA eHealth
CA eHealth 5.7, 6.0
CA Spectrum
CA Unicenter NSM
CA Unicenter NSM r3
CA Unicenter NSM r11
CA Unicenter Service Desk
CA Unicenter ServicePlus Service Desk 6.0 or 11.0
EMC Smarts InCharge
EMC Smarts InCharge 6.2
File Transfer Protocol
z/OS mainframe, MS Windows 2003 and Windows 2008 IIS7 FTP7, CentOS5 and Solaris10
HP Asset Manager
HP AssetCenter 5.01
HP iLO and OA
HP-C 3000, OA Firmware: 2.13
iLO 2 Firmware: 1.70
HP Network Node Manager
HP Network Node Manager (NNM) 7.0 and 7.5
HP OpenView Operations (Unix - HPUX)
HP OpenView Operations for UNIX version A. 08.10.160
HP OpenView Network Node Manager 7.53
Oracle 10.2
HP OpenView Operations (Unix - Solaris)
HP OpenView Operations 8 for Sparc Solaris Version 9
HP OpenView Operations (Windows)
OVO 7.5 and 8.0 with OVI 3.3/3.4/3.5
HP OpenView Service Desk
HP Service Desk version 4.5 with service pack 4 or higher installed.
HP Service Manager
HP ServiceCenter 6.2 and 7.0
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console
Tivoli Enterprise Console 3.9.0 with Fix Pack 3.
IBM Tivoli Netcool Omnibus
IBM Tivoli Netcool OMNIbus 7.1
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 5.5
Microsoft Active Directory
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Domain
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Domain
Microsoft Operations Manager
Microsoft Operations Manager 2005
Microsoft SC Operations Manager 2007
Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 and 2007 R2
Microsoft Systems Management Server
Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003
Veritas NetBackup
VERITAS NetBackup Server 6.5
VMware vSphere
VMware vSphere 4.0
VMware VI 3.5
Quick Integration Kit
The Opalis Quick Integration Kit enables you to build your own Opalis Integration Packs and objects. These objects interact with third-party products through the .Net or Java APIs of those products.
.Net objects – Microsoft .NET 2.0 Framework.
Java objects – Java Standard Edition 5 or higher.


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