
class Solution {
public:bool isNumber(const char *s) {bool flag;while(*s==' ')s++;const char *s2=s+strlen(s)-1;while(*s2==' '){s2--;}if(*s=='+'||*s=='-')s++; const char *s1=s;int point=0;int e=0;int count=0;while(*s1!='\0'&&s1<=s2){if(isdigit(*s1)){s1++;count++;}else if(*s1=='.'&&e==0){s1++;point++;}else if(*s1=='e'&&s1!=s&&count>=1){if(isdigit(*(s1+1))){s1=s1+2;e++;}else if((s1+2<=s2)&&(*(s1+1)=='+'||*(s1+1)=='-')){s1=s1+2;e++;}else return false;}else return false;}     if(point<=1&&e<=1&&count>=1)return true;else return false;return true;        }


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