
#ifndef PEOPLE_H
#define PEOPLE_Hclass People
{public:void setHeigth(double len);double geHeigth(void);People(); // 这是构造函数
private:double length;


#include <iostream>
#ifndef PEOPLE_H
#include "../include/people.h"
#endifusing namespace std;// 头文件中的函数必须实现,不然会报 undefined reference to `People::People()'的错误
{cout << "Object is being created" << endl;
}void People::setHeigth(double len)
{length = len;
}double People::geHeigth(void)
{cout << "Object is being created" << endl;return 1.8;


#define CPLUS_CONS_TEST#include "people.h"typedef unsigned char FX_BYTE;
typedef const char *FX_LPCSTR;class Line
{public:void setLength(double len);double getLength(void);Line(); // 这是构造函数//People a();private:double length;People people_p;

Cplus_cons_test.cpp文件中如果没有#include "people.cpp"这句而People类的构造函数没有函数体(也就是没有花括号‘{}’),链接时会报undefined reference to `People::People()'的错误。

#include <iostream>
#include "../include/Cplus_cons_test.h"/*** 这句包含非常重要,如果没有这句会报undefined reference to `People::People()'*/
#include "people.cpp"using namespace std;// 头文件中的函数必须实现,不然会报 undefined reference to `Line::Line()'的错误
{cout << "Object is being created" << endl;
}void Line::setLength(double len)
{length = len;// double l = People::geHeigth();
}double Line::getLength(void)
{return length;


#include <iostream>
#include "../include/Cplus_cons_test.h"using namespace std;// 程序的主函数
int main()
{Line line;// 设置长度line.setLength(6.0);cout << "Length of line : " << line.getLength() << endl;system("pause");return 0;

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