

        /// <summary>        /// Capture IE full document.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="ieParams"> IE parameters. </param>        /// <param name="savePath"> Save path. </param>        /// <returns> Returns false if failed. </returns>        internal static bool CaptureFullIEDocument(IEParams ieParams, string savePath)        {            try            {                IHTMLElement body = null;                if (IEHelper.IsDtdDocument(ieParams.WebObj.Document) != false)                {                    // For doc3 standard.                    IHTMLDocument3 doc = (IHTMLDocument3)ieParams.WebObj.Document;                    body = doc.documentElement;                }                else                {                    // For doc2 standard                    IHTMLDocument2 doc = (IHTMLDocument2)ieParams.WebObj.Document;                    body = doc.body.parentElement;                    if ((int)body.getAttribute("clientHeight") == 0)                    {                        body = doc.body;                    }                }                body.setAttribute("scroll", "yes", 0);                // Get Browser Window(web) Height and Width.                int webHeight = (int)body.getAttribute("scrollHeight");                int webWidth = (int)body.getAttribute("scrollWidth");                // Get client's screen height and width, in pixels.                int screenHeight = (int)body.getAttribute("clientHeight");                int screenWidth = (int)body.getAttribute("clientWidth");                // Set bitmaps to hold screen fragment.                Bitmap screenFragment = new Bitmap(screenWidth, screenHeight, PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb555);                // Target bitmap to draw into.                Bitmap targetBitmap = new Bitmap(webWidth, webHeight, PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb555);                Graphics gTarget = Graphics.FromImage(targetBitmap);                Graphics g = null;                // How many "pages" in this web.                int page = 0;                // Get the screen height (bottom up screen drawing).                while ((page * screenHeight) < webHeight)                {                    // - 5 -- for cutting the edge in IE6 when capture the screen by scrolling.                    body.setAttribute("scrollTop", (screenHeight - Edge) * page, 0);                    ++page;                }                // Rollback the page count by one.                --page;                // How many times you need to scroll horizontally.                int pageWidthCount = 0;                while ((pageWidthCount * screenWidth) < webWidth)                {                    body.setAttribute("scrollLeft", (screenWidth - Edge) * pageWidthCount, 0);                    int scrollLeft = (int)body.getAttribute("scrollLeft");                    // Loop through every pages.                    for (int i = page; i >= 0; --i)                    {                        // Shoot visible window.                        g = Graphics.FromImage(screenFragment);                        // Get handleof the device context.                        IntPtr hdc = g.GetHdc();                        body.setAttribute("scrollTop", (screenHeight - Edge) * i, 0);                        int scrollTop = (int)body.getAttribute("scrollTop");                        // Copy a visual window into the specified device context(DC).                        // hwnd - Handle to the window that will be copied.                        // hdc - Handle to the device context.                        // 0 - specifies the drawing options.                        PrintWindow(ieParams.HCurPage, hdc, 0);                        g.ReleaseHdc(hdc);                        g.Flush();                        Image fragment = Image.FromHbitmap(screenFragment.GetHbitmap());                        try                        {                            gTarget.DrawImage(fragment, scrollLeft, scrollTop);                        }                        catch (ArgumentNullException ex)                        {                            MessageBox.Show("Error occurred in DrawImage: " + ex);                        }                    }                    ++pageWidthCount;                }                const double Resolution = 100 * 0.01; // Set the resulution to 1:1.                int finalWidth = (int)(webWidth * Resolution);                int finalHeight = (int)(webHeight * Resolution);                Bitmap finalImage = new Bitmap(finalWidth, finalHeight, PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb555);                Graphics finalGraphic = Graphics.FromImage(finalImage);                // Draw the final image.                try                {                    finalGraphic.DrawImage(targetBitmap, 0, 0, finalWidth, finalHeight);                }                catch (ArgumentNullException ex)                {                    MessageBox.Show("Error occurred in drawing final Image: " + ex);                }                ImageHelper imageHelper = new ImageHelper(savePath);                finalImage.Save(savePath, imageHelper.ImageCodecInfo, imageHelper.EncoderParameters);                // clean up                body = null;                g.Dispose();                gTarget.Dispose();                finalGraphic.Dispose();                screenFragment.Dispose();                targetBitmap.Dispose();                finalImage.Dispose();            }            catch (Exception ex)            {                throw new Exception(string.Format("Capture operation failed in the CaptureFullIEDocument function. The error message is: \n{0}", ex.Message), ex);            }            // Return true when success.            return true;        }


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