SAP RETAIL WA01创建分配表报错- No allocation rule allowed for allocation strategies or variants-

1,执行事务代码WA21创建了如下的allocation rule 1。


2,执行事务代码WA01 创建分配表,使用这个allocation rule。


No allocation rule allowed for allocation strategies or variants

Message no. MW165


You are using allocation strategy or a selection variant of an allocation strategy. This allocation strategy or selection variant of an allocation strategy does not allow you to enter allocation rules.

System Response

No processing is possible.


Use either an allocation rule or an allocation strategy.

3, 经查,Allocation strategy在这里定义,

SAP系统中Allocation Strategy的解释:

Allocation Strategies

In this step, you define stock allocation strategies. The stock allocation strategy specifies how the quotas are to be determined for calculating the planned quantities on plant group level or plant level.

The strategy is proposed via the allocation table type.

You can overwrite this default with a standard strategy or a strategy of your own.

Standard settings

The following settings are available:
Strategy Description Quota origin
Entry plant group/alloc rule


To use all functions available for SAP S/4HANA Retail, you need to activate business function ISR_RETAILSYSTEM.

也就是说,allocation strategy和allocation rule都可以确定在门店或者门店组计算相关商品数量时候的quota. 所以2选1就行了,不必同时存在。

4, 清空Allocation Strategy, 只保留allocation rule, 不再报错,如下图:



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