本文翻译自:How do I convert an existing callback API to promises?

I want to work with promises but I have a callback API in a format like: 我想使用Promise,但是我有一个类似以下格式的回调API:

1. DOM load or other one time event: 1. DOM加载或其他一次事件:

window.onload; // set to callback
window.onload = function() {};

2. Plain callback: 2.普通回调:

function request(onChangeHandler) {...
request(function() {// change happened...

3. Node style callback ("nodeback"): 3.节点样式回调(“ nodeback”):

function getStuff(dat, callback) {...
getStuff("dataParam", function(err, data) {...

4. A whole library with node style callbacks: 4.带有节点样式回调的整个库:

API.one(function(err, data) {API.two(function(err, data2) {API.three(function(err, data3) {...});});

How do I work with the API in promises, how do I "promisify" it? 如何在promise中使用API​​,如何“承诺”它?




Promises have state, they start as pending and can settle to: 承诺有状态,它们从待定状态开始,可以解决:

  • fulfilled meaning that the computation completed successfully. 完成意味着计算成功完成。
  • rejected meaning that the computation failed. 拒绝表示计算失败。

Promise returning functions should never throw , they should return rejections instead. 承诺返回函数绝不应该抛出 ,而应该返回拒绝。 Throwing from a promise returning function will force you to use both a } catch { and a .catch . 从promise返回函数抛出将迫使您同时使用} catch { .catch People using promisified APIs do not expect promises to throw. 使用承诺的API的人们不会期望诺言。 If you're not sure how async APIs work in JS - please see this answer first. 如果您不确定JS中异步API的工作方式-请首先查看此答案 。

1. DOM load or other one time event: 1. DOM加载或其他一次事件:

So, creating promises generally means specifying when they settle - that means when they move to the fulfilled or rejected phase to indicate the data is available (and can be accessed with .then ). 因此,创建承诺通常意味着指定何时结算-即何时进入承诺阶段或拒绝阶段以指示数据可用(并且可以通过.then访问)。

With modern promise implementations that support the Promise constructor like native ES6 promises: 使用支持Promise构造函数的现代Promise实现(例如本机ES6 Promise

function load() {return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {window.onload = resolve;});

You would then use the resulting promise like so: 然后,您将使用产生的承诺,如下所示:

load().then(function() {// Do things after onload

With libraries that support deferred (Let's use $q for this example here, but we'll also use jQuery later): 使用支持延迟的库(让我们在此示例中使用$ q,但稍后我们还将使用jQuery):

function load() {var d = $q.defer();window.onload = function() { d.resolve(); };return d.promise;

Or with a jQuery like API, hooking on an event happening once: 或者使用jQuery之类的jQuery,将一次事件挂起:

function done() {var d = $.Deferred();$("#myObject").once("click",function() {d.resolve();});return d.promise();

2. Plain callback: 2.普通回调:

These APIs are rather common since well… callbacks are common in JS. 这些API相当常见,因为……在JS中回调很常见。 Let's look at the common case of having onSuccess and onFail : 让我们看一下具有onSuccessonFail的常见情况:

function getUserData(userId, onLoad, onFail) { …

With modern promise implementations that support the Promise constructor like native ES6 promises: 使用支持Promise构造函数的现代Promise实现(例如本机ES6 Promise

function getUserDataAsync(userId) {return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {getUserData(userId, resolve, reject);});

With libraries that support deferred (Let's use jQuery for this example here, but we've also used $q above): 使用支持延迟的库(在此示例中,我们使用jQuery,但上面我们也使用$ q):

function getUserDataAsync(userId) {var d = $.Deferred();getUserData(userId, function(res){ d.resolve(res); }, function(err){ d.reject(err); });return d.promise();

jQuery also offers a $.Deferred(fn) form, which has the advantage of allowing us to write an expression that emulates very closely the new Promise(fn) form, as follows: jQuery还提供了$.Deferred(fn)形式,它的优点是允许我们编写一个非常接近new Promise(fn)形式的表达式,如下所示:

function getUserDataAsync(userId) {return $.Deferred(function(dfrd) {getUserData(userId, dfrd.resolve, dfrd.reject);}).promise();

Note: Here we exploit the fact that a jQuery deferred's resolve and reject methods are "detachable"; 注意:这里我们利用了一个事实,即jQuery deferred的resolvereject方法是“可分离的”。 ie. 即。 they are bound to the instance of a jQuery.Deferred(). 它们绑定到jQuery.Deferred()的实例 Not all libs offer this feature. 并非所有库都提供此功能。

3. Node style callback ("nodeback"): 3.节点样式回调(“ nodeback”):

Node style callbacks (nodebacks) have a particular format where the callbacks is always the last argument and its first parameter is an error. 节点样式回调(nodebacks)具有特定的格式,其中回调始终是最后一个参数,而其第一个参数是错误。 Let's first promisify one manually: 让我们首先手动分配一个:

getStuff("dataParam", function(err, data) { …

To: 至:

function getStuffAsync(param) {return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {getStuff(param, function(err, data) {if (err !== null) reject(err);else resolve(data);});});

With deferreds you can do the following (let's use Q for this example, although Q now supports the new syntax which you should prefer ): 使用deferred,您可以执行以下操作(尽管本例中Q现在支持您应首选使用的新语法,但让本示例使用Q):

function getStuffAsync(param) {var d = Q.defer();getStuff(param, function(err, data) {if (err !== null) d.reject(err);else d.resolve(data);});return d.promise;

In general, you should not promisify things manually too much, most promise libraries that were designed with Node in mind as well as native promises in Node 8+ have a built in method for promisifying nodebacks. 通常,您不应该过多地手动分配内容,大多数基于Node设计的Promise库以及Node 8+中的本机Promise具有内置的用于使NodeBback富集的方法。 For example 例如

var getStuffAsync = Promise.promisify(getStuff); // Bluebird
var getStuffAsync = Q.denodeify(getStuff); // Q
var getStuffAsync = util.promisify(getStuff); // Native promises, node only

4. A whole library with node style callbacks: 4.带有节点样式回调的整个库:

There is no golden rule here, you promisify them one by one. 这里没有黄金法则,您一一承诺。 However, some promise implementations allow you to do this in bulk, for example in Bluebird, converting a nodeback API to a promise API is as simple as: 但是,某些promise实现允许您批量执行此操作,例如在Bluebird中,将nodeback API转换为promise API很简单:


Or with native promises in Node : 或在Node中具有本机承诺

const { promisify } = require('util');
const promiseAPI = Object.entries(API).map(([key, v]) => ({key, fn: promisify(v)})).reduce((o, p) => Object.assign(o, {[p.key]: p.fn}), {});

Notes: 笔记:

  • Of course, when you are in a .then handler you do not need to promisify things. 当然,当你在一个.then处理你不需要promisify事情。 Returning a promise from a .then handler will resolve or reject with that promise's value. .then处理程序返回一个诺言将解决或拒绝该诺言的值。 Throwing from a .then handler is also good practice and will reject the promise - this is the famous promise throw safety. .then处理程序中抛出也是很好的做法,并且会拒绝诺言-这就是著名的诺言抛出安全性。
  • In an actual onload case, you should use addEventListener rather than onX . 在实际的onload情况下,应该使用addEventListener而不是onX


I don't think the window.onload suggestion by @Benjamin will work all the time, as it doesn't detect whether it is called after the load. 我认为@Benjamin的window.onload建议不会一直有效,因为它无法检测到加载后是否被调用。 I have been bitten by that many times. 我被很多次咬伤了。 Here is a version which should always work: 这是一个应该始终有效的版本:

function promiseDOMready() {return new Promise(function(resolve) {if (document.readyState === "complete") return resolve();document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", resolve);});


The Q library by kriskowal includes callback-to-promise functions. kriskowal的Q库包含应答回调函数。 A method like this: 这样的方法:

obj.prototype.dosomething(params, cb) {...blah blah...cb(error, results);

can be converted with Q.ninvoke 可以用Q.ninvoke转换

then(function(results) {


You can use JavaScript native promises with Node JS. 您可以将JavaScript本机Promise与Node JS一起使用。

My Cloud 9 code link: https://ide.c9.io/adx2803/native-promises-in-node 我的Cloud 9代码链接: https : //ide.c9.io/adx2803/native-promises-in-node

* Created by dixit-lab on 20/6/16.
*/var express = require('express');
var request = require('request');   //Simplified HTTP request client.var app = express();function promisify(url) {return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {request.get(url, function (error, response, body) {if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {resolve(body);}else {reject(error);}})});
}//get all the albums of a user who have posted post 100
app.get('/listAlbums', function (req, res) {//get the post with post id 100promisify('http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/100').then(function (result) {var obj = JSON.parse(result);return promisify('http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users/' + obj.userId + '/albums')}).catch(function (e) {console.log(e);}).then(function (result) {res.end(result);})
})var server = app.listen(8081, function () {var host = server.address().addressvar port = server.address().portconsole.log("Example app listening at http://%s:%s", host, port)
})//run webservice on browser : http://localhost:8081/listAlbums


When you have a few functions that take a callback and you want them to return a promise instead you can use this function to do the conversion. 当您有一些需要回调的函数并且希望它们返回一个Promise时,您可以使用此函数进行转换。

function callbackToPromise(func){return function(){// change this to use what ever promise lib you are using// In this case i'm using angular $q that I exposed on a util modulevar defered = util.$q.defer();var cb = (val) => {defered.resolve(val);}var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);args.push(cb);    func.apply(this, args);return defered.promise;}


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