arch linux安装

by Andrea Giammarchi

由Andrea Giammarchi

In this article, you'll learn how to install Arch Linux from scratch… and in about 5 minutes. So let's get to it.

在本文中,您将学习如何从头开始安装Arch Linux,大约需要5分钟。 因此,让我们开始吧。

As of today, it’s been more or less 3 years I am happily using Arch Linux as my primary Operating System, and I’ve used it daily not only on my laptop, but also on my Gaming PC and many Single Board Computers too.

到今天为止,大约3年以来,我一直很愉快地将Arch Linux用作主要操作系统,不仅每天在笔记本电脑上使用它,而且在游戏PC和许多单板计算机上也都使用了它。

I’ve been using my installer for quite a while, and recently I’ve rewritten it after learning more and more about Arch Linux.

我使用archibold.io安装程序已经有一段时间了,最​​近在了解了有关Arch Linux的更多信息后,我对其进行了重写。

This post is about me giving back few things I’ve learned from the Arch Linux project and its community, hopefully simplifying life to whoever would like to embrace this awesome distribution!

这篇文章是关于回馈我从Arch Linux项目及其社区中学到的一些东西的,希望可以简化那些希望接受这种出色发行的人的生活!

简而言之引导Linux OS (Booting a Linux OS in a nutshell)

You need a special partition recognized as bootable, and with some automatically recognized binary file capable of telling the motherboard how to booth, and where to boot on.


In Arch Linux land, there are basically 3 major players: U-Boot, the default boot loader used by Arch Linux ARM ports, Syslinux, which is the preferred choice of the very same Arch Linux ISO installer, and Grub, usually easier to configure on multi-boot systems, which is not part of this very post scope.

在Arch Linux领域中,基本上有3个主要参与者: U-Boot ( Arch Linux ARM端口使用的默认引导加载程序), Syslinux (是同一Arch Linux ISO安装程序的首选)和Grub (通常更易于配置)在多引导系统上,这不属于本发布范围。

Tools to deal with partitions are usually 2: parted, preferred when it comes to advanced features like UEFI partition and optimized disk alignment, or fdisk, which just works and does the job in a “less scriptysh” way.

处理分区的工具通常是2: parted ,当涉及高级功能(例如UEFI分区和优化的磁盘对齐)或fdisk时,首选使用fdisk ,它们以“ 少脚本 ”的方式起作用

开机如何? (Booting How ?)

There are few ways to tell a motherboard how to boot a system: UEFI configuration, which is mostly suitable for Windows OS running on Intel CPUs but usable to boot Linux distros too, and legacy BIOS compatible, which has less features than UEFI but it always delivers (and is the most widely available).

几乎没有什么方法可以告诉主板如何引导系统: UEFI配置,它最适合运行在Intel CPU上的Windows操作系统,但也可以用于引导Linux发行版,并且兼容旧BIOS,其功能比UEFI少,但始终交付(并且是使用最广泛的)。

On top of this distinction, while UEFI has a secure boot mode, which is again basically a Windows specific thing only, a boot can also include special commands capable of enabling, or disabling, an EDD mode, which is a good old Enhanced Disk Drive technology that might not be needed on boot time and in some case should be explicitly disabled like in VirtualBox images or some AMD based SBC like the Gizmo 2 board.

最重要的是,UEFI具有安全启动模式(基本上也仅是Windows专用),启动也可以包含能够启用或禁用EDD模式的特殊命令,这是一个很好的旧增强磁盘驱动器。在启动时可能不需要的技术,在某些情况下,应显式禁用该功能,例如在VirtualBox映像中或某些基于AMD的SBC(例如Gizmo 2板)中。

开机什么? (Booting What ?)

There is one and one only consolidated cross platform and universal File System out there and it’s sadly or thankfully the good old FAT one.


There are surely more suitable, more secure, faster, and more HW caring options out there, but FAT with a loader is a safe bet with both UEFI and legacy.


In few words, the most basic amount of partitions on your system should be 2: a FAT bootable one, and a “whatever you want” else. Please note that ext4 is still a very valid choice for daily tasks, but there are few valid alternatives to consider, yet not part of this post scope.

简而言之,系统上最基本的分区数量应该是2:FAT可引导分区,其他“ 随心所欲 ”分区。 请注意, ext4仍然是日常任务的非常有效的选择,但是没有什么有效的替代方法要考虑,但不属于本文的范围。

任何交换? (Any Swap ?)

If you are installing Arch Linux on a system with more than 4GB or RAM, and you are not planning to use such system to develop complex software, I’d say you shouldn’t worry much about having a backup swap partition.

如果要在具有超过4GB或RAM的系统上安装Arch Linux,并且不打算使用该系统来开发复杂的软件,那么我想说,您不必担心拥有备份交换分区。

Generally speaking, old laptops I’ve tested, with just 2GB of RAM, has been doing great without any extra swap and a graphical Desktop like GNOME without effort.


However, if you’d like to have some extra room to build more complex software, and you have more than 1GB of RAM, use 1/4 of your RAM amount and you’d be fine.


可以,但是所有安装Linux的命令在哪里? (OK but where are all the commands to install Linux ?)

This is the best part of this post, the moment you’ve reached this part is the moment you are self trained to answer all basic questions installer is going to ask you.


Download the Arch Linux ISO from the website, and use it for a VirtualBox boot, or burn it to an USB stick following this Wiki Page, you’ll have everything you need to boot into a terminal and run the following code:

从网站上下载Arch Linux ISO ,并将其用于VirtualBox引导,或在此Wiki页面之后将其刻录到USB记忆棒 ,您将拥有引导到终端并运行以下代码所需的一切:

$ bash <(curl -s

That’s basically it, the procedure will install the most basic Arch Linux you could think of on your machine or, like the video on top of this post shows, on a VirtualBox, in case you want to try it first.

基本上就是这个过程,该过程将在您的计算机上安装您可能想到的最基本的Arch Linux,或者像您在这篇文章顶部显示的视频一样,将其安装在VirtualBox上,以防您想先尝试一下。

好的,很酷……但是我也想要一个台式机! (OK, cool … but I’d like to have a Desktop too!)

In this case, oce you have booted into your account, you can check if you have an internet connection typing:


ip addr

and if nothing appears under your wifi or ethernet name, follow these instructions:


# if not logged as root already, type 'su'su# use root as default password# now, in case you have a wired connectionip addr # to see the name of the adapterdhcpcd enp0s3 # where enp0s3 is just a made up name, use your one
# if it was wi-fi cardwifi-menu # and configure it
exit # to go back to your user

Once you have an internet connection, you can simply use another helper:


bash <(curl -s

The latter will guide you to install the best Desktop environment out there.


是的..但是... (Right .. but …)

If you’re stuck at any point, please don’t hesitate to file a bug in the Open Source archibold repository, or simply ask me questions in here.

如果您有任何困难 ,请随时在Open Source archibold存储库中提交错误,或在这里向我提问。

I’m pretty sure I can answer most of them so … bring it on! :-)

我敢肯定我能回答大多数人,所以……来吧! :-)


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