/********************************************************************************              error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type* 说明:*     调试显示驱动,打印of_node信息出现的错误;**                                          2019-5-31 深圳 宝安西乡 曾剑锋******************************************************************************/一、参考文档1. 解决编译错误:dereferencing pointer to incomplete type 的办法https://www.cnblogs.com/qunxuan/p/4080730.html

二、解决方法1. 问题: printk("%s: of_node->name: %s\n, of_node->full_name: %s\n", __func__, master_dev->of_node->name, master_dev->of_node->full_name);2. 加入头文件:#include <linux/of.h>


error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type相关推荐

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  5. 关于编译报错“dereferencing pointer to incomplete type...

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  6. error:dereferencing pointer to incomplete type

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