1 from  django.shortcuts import render
 3 def index(request):
 4     context={
 5         'books':[
 6             '5年高考3年模拟',
 7             '家猪养殖与配种',
 8             'Python 3 面向对象编程',
 9             'MySQL数据库从删库到跑路'
10         ],
11         'person':{
12             'username':'randomlee',
13             'age':'25',
14             'height':'180'
15         },
16         'book2s':[
17             {
18                 'name':'5年高考3年模拟',
19                 'author':'黄冈中学',
20                 'price':'32'
21             },
22             {
23                 'name':'家猪养殖与配种',
24                 'author':'不知道',
25                 'price':'40'
26             },{
27                 'name':'Python 3 面向对象编程',
28                 'author':'a',
29                 'price':'22'
30             },{
31                 'name':'MySQL数据库从删库到跑路',
32                 'author':'abc',
33                 'price':'33'
34             }
35         ],
36         'comments':[
37             ' 文章的评论内容'
38         ]
39     }
40     return render(request,'index.html',context)


 1 <!DOCTYPE html>
 2 <html lang="en">
 3 <head>
 4     <meta charset="UTF-8">
 5     <title>Title</title>
 6     <style>
 7     body { 8         text-align: center;
 9         background: pink;
10         {#line-height: 100px;#}
11     }
12     td{13         border: 1px solid;
14         padding: 10px;
16     }
17     table{18         text-align: center;
19     }
20     </style>
22 </head>
23 <body>
24 <ul>
26 {% for book in books reversed %}
27     <li>{{ book }}</li>
28 {% endfor %}
29 </ul>
30 <ul>
31 {% for v in person.values %}
32     <li>{{ v }}</li>
33 {% endfor %}
34 {% for k in person.keys %}
35     <li>{{ k }}</li>
36 {% endfor %}
37 {% for k,v in person.items %}
38     <li>{{ k }}/{{ v }}</li>
39 {% endfor %}
41 </ul>
43 <table>
44     <thead>
45     <tr>
46         <td>从1开始序号</td>
47         <td>从0开始序号</td>
48         <td>反转序号最后一位是1</td>
49         <td>反转序号最后一位是0</td>
50         <td>书名</td>
51         <td>作者</td>
52         <td>价格</td>
53     </tr>
54     </thead>
55     <tbody>
57         {% for book2 in book2s %}
58             {% if forloop.first %}
59 {#              是否是遍历的第一行  #}
60                 <tr style="background: red" >
61             {% elif forloop.last %}
62 {#                是否遍历的最后一行#}
63                 <tr style="background: blue">
64                 {% else %}
65                 <tr>
66             {% endif %}
67             <td>{{ forloop.counter }}</td>
68             <td>{{ forloop.counter0 }}</td>
69             <td>{{ forloop.revcounter }}</td>
70             <td>{{ forloop.revcounter0 }}</td>
71             <td>{{ book2.name }}</td>
72             <td>{{ book2.author }}</td>
73             <td>{{ book2.price }}</td>
74             </tr>
75         {% endfor %}
78     </tbody>
79 </table>
81 <ul>
82     {% for comment in comments %}
83         <li>{{ comment }}</li>
84     {% empty %}
85         <li>没有任何评论</li>
86     {% endfor %}
88 </ul>
90 </body>
91 </html>




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