一、修改部分字段By  UpdateRequest

UpdateRequest updateRequest = new UpdateRequest();
updateRequest.doc(jsonBuilder().startObject().field("gender", "male").endObject());

client.prepareUpdate("ttl", "doc", "1")
.setScript(new Script("ctx._source.gender = \"male\"" , ScriptService.ScriptType.INLINE, null, null))

client.prepareUpdate("ttl", "doc", "1")
.field("gender", "male")

UpdateRequest updateRequest = new UpdateRequest("ttl", "doc", "1").script(new Script("ctx._source.gender = \"male\""));

UpdateRequest updateRequest = new UpdateRequest("index", "type", "1").doc(jsonBuilder().startObject().field("gender", "male").endObject());

二、乐观锁方式 指定Version 版本更新(es 5)

RefreshPolicy.IMMEDIATE 更新策略为立即更新,ElasticSearch 实际上是伪实时的,所有分片之间默认1s同步更新

IndexResponse response = client.prepareIndex().setRefreshPolicy(RefreshPolicy.IMMEDIATE).setIndex(indexName)

三、批量更新(es 5)

* 批量索引
* @param indexName
* @param tableName
* @param maps
public void bulkIndex(String indexName, String tableName, Map<String, String> maps) {

if (maps == null || maps.isEmpty()) {

logger.info("[[title=bulkIndex]] start");
BulkRequestBuilder bulkRequest = client.prepareBulk().setRefreshPolicy(RefreshPolicy.IMMEDIATE);

int i = 1;
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : maps.entrySet()) {


if (i % 100 == 0) {


String fieldString = SensitiveInfoMask.maskJsonSensitiveField(JSON.toJSONString(maps),
logger.info("[[title=bulkIndex]]批量索引信息={}", fieldString);
logger.info("[[title=bulkIndex]] end");

There is also support for upsert. If the document does not exist, the content of the upsert element will be used to index the fresh doc:

IndexRequest indexRequest = new IndexRequest("index", "type", "1")
.field("name", "Joe Smith")
.field("gender", "male")
UpdateRequest updateRequest = new UpdateRequest("index", "type", "1")
.field("gender", "male")

If the document does not exist, the one in indexRequest will be added

If the document index/type/1 already exists, we will have after this operation a document like:

"name" : "Joe Dalton",
"gender": "male"

This field is added by the update request

If it does not exist, we will have a new document:

"name" : "Joe Smith",
"gender": "male"


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