本文翻译自:Binding select element to object in Angular

I'd like to bind a select element to a list of objects -- which is easy enough: 我想将select元素绑定到对象列表-这很容易:

@Component({selector: 'myApp',template: `<h1>My Application</h1><select [(ngModel)]="selectedValue"><option *ngFor="#c of countries" value="c.id">{{c.name}}</option></select>`
export class AppComponent{countries = [{id: 1, name: "United States"},{id: 2, name: "Australia"}{id: 3, name: "Canada"},{id: 4, name: "Brazil"},{id: 5, name: "England"}];selectedValue = null;

In this case, it appears that selectedValue would be a number -- the id of the selected item. 在这种情况下,似乎selectedValue将是一个数字-所选项目的ID。

However, I'd actually like to bind to the country object itself so that selectedValue is the object rather than just the id. 但是,我实际上想绑定到country对象本身,以便selectedValue是对象,而不仅仅是id。 I tried changing the value of the option like so: 我试图像这样更改选项的值:

<option *ngFor="#c of countries" value="c">{{c.name}}</option>

but this does not seem to work. 但这似乎不起作用。 It seems to place an object in my selectedValue -- but not the object that I'm expecting. 似乎在我的selectedValue放置了一个对象-但不是我期望的对象。 You can see this in my Plunker example . 您可以在我的Plunker示例中看到这一点 。

I also tried binding to the change event so that I could set the object myself based on the selected id; 我还尝试绑定到change事件,以便可以根据所选的id自己设置对象; however, it appears that the change event fires before the bound ngModel is updated -- meaning I don't have access to the newly selected value at that point. 但是,似乎更改事件在绑定的ngModel更新之前就触发了-这意味着我当时无法访问新选择的值。

Is there a clean way to bind a select element to an object with Angular 2? 有没有一种干净的方法可以将选择元素绑定到具有Angular 2的对象?




<h1>My Application</h1>
<select [(ngModel)]="selectedValue"><option *ngFor="let c of countries" [ngValue]="c">{{c.name}}</option>

StackBlitz example StackBlitz示例

NOTE: you can use [ngValue]="c" instead of [ngValue]="c.id" where c is the complete country object. 注意:您可以使用[ngValue]="c"代替[ngValue]="c.id" ,其中c是完整的国家对象。

[value]="..." only supports string values [value]="..."仅支持字符串值
[ngValue]="..." supports any type [ngValue]="..."支持任何类型

update 更新

If the value is an object, the preselected instance needs to be identical with one of the values. 如果该value是一个对象,则预选实例必须与其中一个值相同。

See also the recently added custom comparison https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/13268 available since 4.0.0-beta.7 另请参阅自4.0.0-beta.7起可用的最近添加的自定义比较https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/13268

<select [compareWith]="compareFn" ...

Take care of if you want to access this within compareFn . 请注意是否要在compareFn访问this

compareFn = this._compareFn.bind(this);// or
// compareFn = (a, b) => this._compareFn(a, b);_compareFn(a, b) {// Handle compare logic (eg check if unique ids are the same)return a.id === b.id;


This could help: 这可以帮助:

 <select [(ngModel)]="selectedValue"> <option *ngFor="#c of countries" [value]="c.id">{{c.name}}</option> </select> 



<option *ngFor="#c of countries" (change)="onchange(c.id)">{{c.name}}</option>


You can do this too without the need to use [(ngModel)] in your <select> tag 您也可以执行此操作,而无需在<select>标记中使用[(ngModel)]

Declare a variable in your ts file 在ts文件中声明一个变量

toStr = JSON.stringify;

and in you template do this 然后在您的模板中执行此操作

 <option *ngFor="let v of values;" [value]="toStr(v)">{{v}}</option>

and then use 然后使用

let value=JSON.parse(event.target.value)

to parse the string back into a valid JavaScript object 将字符串解析回有效的JavaScript对象


You can get selected value also with help of click() by passing the selected value through the function 您也可以在click()的帮助下,通过将所选值传递给函数来获取所选值

<md-select placeholder="Select Categorie"  name="Select Categorie" ><md-option *ngFor="let list of categ" [value]="list.value" (click)="sub_cat(list.category_id)" >{{ list.category }}</md-option>


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