rhel 6.0+ipvsadm-1.2.6+keepalived-1.2.5


1)检查内核模块,看一下ip_vs 是否被加载

lsmod |grep ip_vs

ip_vs 35009 0

如果没有显示,则说明没有加载,执行命令 modprobe ip_vs 就可以把ip_vs模块加载到内核

#modprobe ip_vs 然后再查看就有了。

查看内核版本 #uname -r


ln –s /usr/src/2.6.32-71.el6.x86_64 /usr/src/linux


make -C libipvs
make[1]: Entering directory /usr/src/ipvsadm-1.26/libipvs'<br/>gcc -Wall -Wunused -Wstrict-prototypes -g -fPIC -DLIBIPVS_USE_NL -DHAVE_NET_IP_VS_H -c -o libipvs.o libipvs.c<br/>In file included from libipvs.h:13,<br/>from libipvs.c:23:<br/>ip_vs.h:15:29: error: netlink/netlink.h: No such file or directory<br/>ip_vs.h:16:31: error: netlink/genl/genl.h: No such file or directory<br/>ip_vs.h:17:31: error: netlink/genl/ctrl.h: No such file or directory<br/>In file included from libipvs.h:13,<br/>from libipvs.c:23:<br/>ip_vs.h:520: error: array type has incomplete element type<br/>ip_vs.h:521: error: array type has incomplete element type<br/>libipvs.c:57: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘nlmsg_alloc’<br/>libipvs.c:57: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast<br/>libipvs.c:61: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘genlmsg_put’<br/>libipvs.c:61: error: ‘NL_AUTO_PID’ undeclared (first use in this function)<br/>libipvs.c:61: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once<br/>libipvs.c: In function ‘ipvs_add_service’:<br/>libipvs.c:255: error: too many arguments to function ‘ipvs_nl_send_message’<br/>libipvs.c: In function ‘ipvs_update_service’:<br/>libipvs.c:276: error: too many arguments to function ‘ipvs_nl_send_message’<br/>libipvs.c: In function ‘ipvs_del_service’:<br/>libipvs.c:296: error: too many arguments to function ‘ipvs_nl_send_message’<br/>libipvs.c: In function ‘ipvs_zero_service’:<br/>libipvs.c:473: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast<br/>libipvs.c:483: error: too many arguments to function ‘ipvs_nl_send_message’<br/>libipvs.c: In function ‘ipvs_stop_daemon’:<br/>libipvs.c:504: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast<br/>libipvs.c:514: error: too many arguments to function ‘ipvs_nl_send_message’<br/>libipvs.c: At top level:<br/>libipvs.c:1051: error: ‘NL_OK’ undeclared (first use in this function)<br/>libipvs.c: In function ‘ipvs_get_daemon’:<br/>libipvs.c:1071: error: ‘NLM_F_DUMP’ undeclared (first use in this function)<br/>libipvs.c:1072: error: too many arguments to function ‘ipvs_nl_send_message’<br/>make[1]: *** [libipvs.o] Error 1<br/>make[1]: Leaving directory/usr/src/ipvsadm-1.26/libipvs'
make: *** [libs] Error 2

解决:yum install libnl libpopt

类似如 /usr/src/ipvsadm-1.26/ipvsadm.c:667: undefined reference to poptStrerror'<br/>/usr/src/ipvsadm-1.26/ipvsadm.c:667: undefined reference topoptBadOption'
/usr/src/ipvsadm-1.26/ipvsadm.c:670: undefined reference to poptFreeContext'<br/>/usr/src/ipvsadm-1.26/ipvsadm.c:677: undefined reference topoptGetArg'
/usr/src/ipvsadm-1.26/ipvsadm.c:678: undefined reference to poptGetArg'<br/>/usr/src/ipvsadm-1.26/ipvsadm.c:679: undefined reference topoptGetArg'
/usr/src/ipvsadm-1.26/ipvsadm.c:690: undefined reference to poptGetArg'<br/>/usr/src/ipvsadm-1.26/ipvsadm.c:693: undefined reference topoptFreeContext'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [ipvsadm] Error 1

解决:yum install popt-static (ftp://ftp.muug.mb.ca/mirror/centos/6.3/os/x86_64/packages/popt-static-1.13-7.el6.x86_64.rpm)
再次make通过,然后make instll 完成安装



解压 & ./configure & make & make install 完成安装。



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