来自 http://source.wiredtiger.com/

WiredTiger is an high performance, scalable, production quality, NoSQL, Open Source extensible platform for data management.

WiredTiger supports row-oriented storage (where all columns of a row are stored together), column-oriented storage (where columns are stored in groups, allowing for more efficient access and storage of column subsets) and log-structured merge trees (LSM), for sustained throughput under random insert workloads.

WiredTiger includes ACID transactions with standard isolation levels and durability at both checkpoint and fine-grained granularity.

WiredTiger can be used as a simple key/value store, but also has a complete schema layer, including indices and projections.

WiredTiger should be generally portable to any 64-bit system supporting the ANSI C99, POSIX 1003.1 and POSIX 1003.1c (threads extension) standards.

For more information on the WiredTiger architecture and why it might be right for your project, see:

  • WiredTiger Architecture

For more information about building and installing WiredTiger, see:

  • Building and installing WiredTiger on POSIX
  • Building and installing WiredTiger on Windows
  • Building and installing the LevelDB compatibility API

For more information about writing WiredTiger applications, see:

  • Writing WiredTiger applications
  • Writing WiredTiger applications in Java (The Java API is not available on Windows.)
  • WiredTiger API reference manual

For more information about administrating WiredTiger databases, see:

  • WiredTiger command line utility
  • Managing WiredTiger databases

For release change logs and upgrading information, see:

  • WiredTiger Change Log
  • Upgrading WiredTiger applications

WiredTiger is Open Source; for more information, see:

  • WiredTiger licensing

WiredTiger releases are tested on Linux, FreeBSD and OS X; for more information, see:

  • WiredTiger testing

To browse the WiredTiger source code repository or contact us, see:

  • WiredTiger community and contact information



  1. 行存储(Row-Based)和列存储(Column-Based)

    目前大数据存储有两种方案可供选择:行存储(Row-Based)和列存储(Column-Based). Hadoop的HBase采用列存储,MongoDB是文档型的行存储,Lexst是二进制型的行存储. ...

  2. 数据库-行存储及列存储区别

    参考:https://blog.csdn.net/Xingxinxinxin/article/details/80939277 目录 概述 什么是列存储? 在数据写入上的对比 在数据读取上的对比 优缺 ...

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  5. 数仓知识10:数据库存储的两种方式-行存储和列存储

    0. 前言 目前大数据存储主要有两种方案可供选择:行存储(Row-Based)和列存储(Column-Based).业界对两种方案有许多争持,争论的焦点是:谁能够更有效地处理海量数据,且兼顾安全.可靠 ...

  6. 数据库:行存储、列存储 利弊分析

    文章来源:(http://www.infoq.com/cn/articles/bigdata-store-choose) PS:可以看一下文章中的概念,后面的结论部分可能存在一些问题,这里只是转载,如 ...

  7. 行式存储和列式存储的区别

    文章目录 存储方式 简单对比 列式存储和行式存储它们真正的区别 概述 四大优化策略详解 块遍历 压缩 延迟物化 隐式链接 总结 存储方式 行式存储就是每一行的所有数据存在一个block中,各个bloc ...

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    面试官观点:innodb引擎只会使用行锁. 面试君观点:innodb引擎支持行锁,但在不使用索引或无索引的时候会使用表锁. 虽然当时未做过多争论,不过这个问题还是挺有意思,MySQL的innodb引擎 ...

  9. Mysql InnoDB引擎的行锁和表锁

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