

#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <intrin.h>
#include <vector>
#include <cstring>
using std::cout;int main()
{std::array<int, 4> cpui;    //#include <array>// Calling __cpuid with 0x0 as the function_id argument  // gets the number of the highest valid function ID.  什么是function ID?__cpuid(cpui.data(), 0x0);    //cpui[0] = "funcition_id的最大值"int nIds_ = cpui[0];std::vector<std::array<int, 4>> data_;  //保存遍历到的所有cpui的值    for (int i=0;i<=nIds_;++i){__cpuidex(cpui.data(), i, 0);data_.push_back(cpui);}//reinterpret_cast<int*>(vendor) //*reinterpret_cast<int*>(vendor)//索引0 0+4 0+8的值构成了CPU芯片的名称char vendor[0x20] = { 0 };*reinterpret_cast<int*>(vendor) = data_[0][1];*reinterpret_cast<int*>(vendor + 4) = data_[0][3];*reinterpret_cast<int*>(vendor + 8) = data_[0][2];  // vendor="GenuineIntel"    std::string vendor_ = vendor;bool isIntel_ = false;bool isAMD = false;if ("GenuineIntel" == vendor_){isIntel_ = true;    //厂商为INTEL}else if ("AuthenticAMD"==vendor_){isAMD = true;       //厂商为AMD}char vendor_serialnumber[0x14] = { 0 };sprintf_s(vendor_serialnumber, sizeof(vendor_serialnumber), "%08X%08X", data_[1][3], data_[1][0]);//用“wmic cpu get processorid”获取的结果进行比对,结果应该是一致的。    //vendor_serialnumber = "BFEBFBFF000406E3";    std::cout << "ProcessorId is [ " << vendor_serialnumber << " ]" << std::endl;return 0;

Generates the cpuid instruction that is available on x86 and x64. This instruction queries the processor for information about supported features and the CPU type.

void __cpuid( 
int cpuInfo[4], 
int function_id 

void __cpuidex( 
int cpuInfo[4], 
int function_id, 
int subfunction_id 

[out] cpuInfo 
An array of four integers that contains the information returned in EAX, EBX, ECX, and EDX about supported features of the CPU.

[in] function_id 
A code that specifies the information to retrieve, passed in EAX.

[in] subfunction_id 
An additional code that specifies information to retrieve, passed in ECX.

Header file <tintrin.h>


【MSDN】__cpuid, __cpuidex


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