

1)    Login to Maximo using maxadmin as the username and password.
2)    Select the Go To option and in the drilldown menu select Security > Security Groups.
3)    Enter maxadmin under the Group and hit enter. MAXADMIN will be displayed as Maximo Administrators (Super Users).
4)    Select MAXADMIN, this will bring you to the Group tab.
5)    Select the Applications tab.
6)    Select Read All, Insert All, SaveAll, Delete All and under the Options for Actions select Grant All.
7)    Save using the Save Groupbutton.
8)    Select Filter and enter Layout(布局) under the description area, press enter.选择“布局和配置”应用程序。
9)    Select Grant All and the Grant Access? box becomes checked.
10)    Select the Save Group button.
11)    Logout and log back in as MAXADMIN.
13)    Select Create New Template.
14)    Click on Select Content.
15)    Choose Quick Insert and Favorite Application, click OK for the left column.
16)    Click on Select Content under the right column.
17)    Choose Inbox Assignments and KPI List and select OK. You can choose any of the options.
18)    Select Finished.
19)    The Start Center is now populated with data.
20)    Use the pencil iconin Favorite Applications and select Applications.
21)    Choose two or three applications to be displayed in Start Center and click OK.
22)    Click on finished.
23)    Under Favorite Applications the choices made from above are now displayed.
24)    Select Save Template.
25)    To complete this you must select on Go To > Security > Security Groups.
26)    Enter MAXADMIN under the Group.
27)    Click on MAXADMIN once displayed.
28)    Click on the Magnifying glass next to Start Center Template.
29)    Select Unique Id 1.
30)    Save using the Save Group button.
31)    Select Start Center to view your new Start Center.



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