Interview email questions are in 4 categories. We look for candidates who give good responses in any 2 categories. The quality of answers is important. It is OK to skip some questions. 可以用中文回答.

I) Computer operations (make the answer less than 4 lines for each question)

1. List troubleshooting steps if your Windows is unable to boot.

2. A Windows PC takes 4 minutes to complete booting. What can be done to reduce the booting time to 1 minute?

3. If a PC is installed Linux, describe steps to install Windows on the same PC and test it.

II) Computer science (make the answer less than 4 lines for each question)

4. How to calculate the execution time of a simple instruction “a=3” without writing a program?

III) Programming

5 How to write code to delete a specific node in a single link list (单链表)that takes O(1) time? That is, the time deleting a node is the same (independent from the length of the list.) Link list uses pointers,
not hash. Input is a pointer pointing to the deleted node. Show your algorithm with pseudo code. Hint: just 3 steps.

6 Class A generates random integers between -100 and 100 at a random frequency between 0 and 2 seconds. Class B decrements a counter when class A generated a negative integer and increments when class A generated a positive integer. Class B's counter needs to be updated in real time as class A generates numbers.

a) Show pseudo code in 3 cases: 1) A and B are in the same thread, 2) different threads, c) different processes.

b) Bonus: Show different ways to handling each case.


IV) Design

7. A video software has 3 buttons: Play, Pause, Step Forward. Initially, only play button is visible. When user clicks play button, it starts to play video and only pause button is visible. Click pause, only play and step forward buttons are visible. Complete the state machine table below with 3 states: Play, Pause, Null.

State " Event

Click Play button

Click Pause button

Click Step Forward button




8.In a simple game, a ball is moving along a line from the left end toward the right end.

Show UML class diagram

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