本文翻译自:How do you check if a selector matches something in jQuery? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here: 这个问题在这里已有答案:

  • Is there an “exists” function for jQuery? jQuery是否存在“存在”功能? 40 answers 40个答案

In Mootools, I'd just run if ($('target')) { ... } . 在Mootools中,我只运行if ($('target')) { ... } Does if ($('#target')) { ... } in jQuery work the same way? if ($('#target')) { ... } jQuery中的if ($('#target')) { ... }以相同的方式工作吗?




I prefer the 我更喜欢

    if (jQuery("#anyElement").is("*")){...}

Which basically checks if this elements is a kind of "*" (any element). 这基本上检查这些元素是否是一种“*”(任何元素)。 Just a cleaner syntax and the "is" makes more sense inside an "if" 只是一个更清晰的语法和“是”在“如果”内部更有意义


firstly create a function: 首先创建一个函数:

$.fn.is_exists = function(){ return document.getElementById(selector) }

then 然后

if($(selector).is_exists()){ ... }


jQuery.fn.exists = function(selector, callback) {var $this = $(this);$this.each(function() {callback.call(this, ($(this).find(selector).length > 0));});


if ($('#elem')[0]) {// do stuff


no, jquery always returns a jquery object regardless if a selector was matched or not. 不,jquery总是返回一个jquery对象,无论选择器是否匹配。 You need to use .length 你需要使用.length

if ( $('#someDiv').length ){}

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