本文翻译自:iOS app with framework crashed on device, dyld: Library not loaded, Xcode 6 Beta

This crash has been a blocking issue I used the following steps to reproduce the issue: 此崩溃一直是一个阻止问题,我使用以下步骤来重现该问题:

  • Create a Cocoa Touch Framework project 创建一个Cocoa Touch Framework项目
  • Add a swift file and a class Dog 添加一个快速文件和一个类Dog
  • Build a framework for device 建立设备框架
  • Create a Single View application in Swift 在Swift中创建一个单视图应用程序
  • Import framework into app project 将框架导入应用程序项目
  • Instantiate swift class from the framework in ViewController 从ViewController中的框架实例化swift类
  • Build and run an app on the device 在设备上构建并运行应用

The app immediate crashed upon launching, here is console log: 该应用立即在启动时崩溃,这是控制台日志:

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/FrameworkTest03.framework/FrameworkTest03Referenced from: /var/mobile/Applications/FA6BAAC8-1AAD-49B4-8326-F30F66458CB6/FrameworkTest03App.app/FrameworkTest03AppReason: image not found

I have tried to build on iOS 7.1 and 8.0 devices, they both have the same crash. 我尝试在iOS 7.1和8.0设备上构建,它们都崩溃了。 However, I can build an app and run on the simulator fine. 但是,我可以构建一个应用程序并在模拟器上正常运行。 Also, I am aware that I can change the framework to form Required to Optional in Link Binary With Libraries , but it did not completely resolve the problem, the app crashed when I create an instance of Dog . 另外,我知道我可以将框架更改为“ 使用库的链接二进制文件”中的“ 必需”到“ 可选”形式,但是并不能完全解决问题,当我创建Dog实例时,应用程序崩溃了。 The behavior is different on the device and simulator, I suspect that we can't distribute a framework for the device using a beta version of Xcode. 在设备和模拟器上的行为是不同的,我怀疑我们无法使用Beta版的Xcode来为设备分发框架。 Can anyone shed light on this? 谁能阐明这一点?




You need to add the framework to a new Copy Files Build Phase to ensure that the framework is copied into the application bundle at runtime.. 您需要将框架添加到新的“复制文件”构建阶段,以确保在运行时将框架复制到应用程序包中。

See How to add a 'Copy Files build phase' to my Target for more information. 有关更多信息,请参见如何向我的目标添加“复制文件构建阶段” 。

Official Apple Docs: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/recipes/xcode_help-project_editor/Articles/CreatingaCopyFilesBuildPhase.html 官方Apple文件: https : //developer.apple.com/library/mac/recipes/xcode_help-project_editor/Articles/CreatingaCopyFilesBuildPhase.html


In the target's General tab, there is an Embedded Binaries field. 在目标的“ 常规”选项卡中,有一个“ 嵌入式二进制文件”字段。 When you add the framework there the crash is resolved. 当您添加框架时,崩溃已解决。

Reference is here on Apple Developer Forums. 参考是这里的苹果开发者论坛。


For iOS greater than or equal to 8 对于iOS大于或等于8

Under the target's General tab, in the Embedded Binaries section add the framework. 在目标的“常规”选项卡下的“嵌入式二进制文件”部分中,添加框架。 This will copy the framework into the compiled so that it can be linked to at runtime. 这会将框架复制到已编译的框架中,以便可以在运行时链接到该框架。


Why is this happening? 为什么会这样呢? : because the framework you are linking to is compiled as a dynamically linked framework and thus is linked to at runtime. 因为要链接的框架被编译为动态链接的框架,因此在运行时已链接到该框架。

** Note:** Embedding custom frameworks is only supported in iOS > 8 and thus an alternative solution that works on older versions of iOS follows. **注意:**仅在iOS> 8中支持嵌入自定义框架,因此,下面是适用于旧版本iOS的替代解决方案。

For iOS less than 8 对于小于8的iOS

If you influence this framework (have access to the source code/build process) you may change this framework to be statically linked rather than dynamically linked. 如果您影响此框架(可以访问源代码/构建过程),则可以将此框架更改为静态链接而不是动态链接。 This will cause the code to be included in your compiled app rather than linked to at runtime and thus the framework will not have to be embedded. 这将导致代码包含在编译的应用程序中,而不是在运行时链接到该代码,因此不必嵌入框架。

** How:** Under the framework's Build Setting tab, in the Linking section, change the Mach-O Type to Static Library. **方法:**在框架的“构建设置”选项卡下的“链接”部分中,将Mach-O类型更改为“静态库”。 You should now not need to include the framework under embedded binaries. 现在,您无需将框架包含在嵌入式二进制文件下。


Including Assets: To include things such as images, audio, or xib/nib files I recommend creating a bundle (essentially a directory, more info here bit.ly/ios_bundle) and then load the assets from the bundle using NSBundle. 包括资产:为了包括诸如图像,音频或xib / nib文件之类的东西,我建议创建捆绑软件(基本上是目录,更多信息在此处bit.ly/ios_bundle),然后使用NSBundle从捆绑软件中加载资产。


I had to (on top of what mentioned here) add the following line to Runpath Search Paths under Build Settings tab: 我必须(在此处提到的内容之上) 将以下行添加到 构建设置”选项卡下的“运行 路径搜索路径 ”中



I had the same issue. 我遇到过同样的问题。 I tried building my project with an iPhone that I never used before and I didn't add a new framework. 我尝试使用从未使用过的iPhone构建项目,也没有添加新框架。 For me, cleaning up worked fine ( Shift+Command+K ). 对我而言,清理工作正常( Shift + Command + K )。 Maybe it's because I use beta 5 of Xcode 7 and an iPhone 6 with iOS 9 Beta, but it worked. 也许是因为我使用Xcode 7的Beta 5和带有iOS 9 Beta的iPhone 6,但它确实有效。

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