




    /// MARK: - 初始化方法【常规路径】/// 矩形public convenience init(rect: CGRect)/// 椭圆 形状依赖于矩形(比如当矩形为正方形的时候为圆形)public convenience init(ovalIn rect: CGRect)/// 圆角矩形 四遍圆角一致public convenience init(roundedRect rect: CGRect, cornerRadius: CGFloat) // rounds all corners with the same horizontal and vertical radius/// 圆角矩形 可以设置任意一个或者多个圆角【corners控制】 cornerRadii: CGSize 圆角宽高参考【详情键cornerRadii参数说明】public convenience init(roundedRect rect: CGRect, byRoundingCorners corners: UIRectCorner, cornerRadii: CGSize)/// 弧度路径  radius: 圆半径  startAngle:弧度 比如二分之π(1(CGFloat.pi)/2)  clockwise: 是否顺手针public convenience init(arcCenter center: CGPoint, radius: CGFloat, startAngle: CGFloat, endAngle: CGFloat, clockwise: Bool)/// 根据CGPath初始化public convenience init(cgPath CGPath: CGPath)


在进行单独某个圆角设置的时候,需要设置圆角参数,类型未CGSize , 说明圆角成度根据宽高共同决定,但是两个值得有效范围为0到两边中最小值得一半



    // MARK: -  自定义路径绘制【通过点与点之间的绘制】open func move(to point: CGPoint)     // 开始绘制点时open func addLine(to point: CGPoint)  // 点与点之间用线连接/// 三次方贝塞尔曲线open func addCurve(to endPoint: CGPoint, controlPoint1: CGPoint, controlPoint2: CGPoint)/// 二次贝塞尔曲线open func addQuadCurve(to endPoint: CGPoint, controlPoint: CGPoint)@available(iOS 4.0, *)open func addArc(withCenter center: CGPoint, radius: CGFloat, startAngle: CGFloat, endAngle: CGFloat, clockwise: Bool)open func close()open func removeAllPoints()/// 添加其他路径open func append(_ bezierPath: UIBezierPath)


open var cgPath: CGPath  // 对应的cgPath/// 逆转路径 【路径外表一致,只是最后一个点为最开始的点】@available(iOS 6.0, *)open func reversing() -> UIBezierPath// Transforming pathsopen func apply(_ transform: CGAffineTransform)// MARK: - 路径信息open var isEmpty: Bool { get }open var bounds: CGRect { get }  // 路径包含的矩形open var currentPoint: CGPoint { get }open func contains(_ point: CGPoint) -> Bool// MARK: - 绘制属性/// 线条颜色宽度open var lineWidth: CGFloat/// 线条起点和终点处理【值枚举 butt:默认  round:圆角  square:方形】open var lineCapStyle: CGLineCap/// 线条拐角处理【值枚举 miter:斜切(默认值)  round:圆角(圆滑)  bevel:斜角】open var lineJoinStyle: CGLineJoin/// 斜切限制  仅仅在 lineJoinStyle is kCGLineJoinMiter 有效open var miterLimit: CGFloat/// 曲线平坦经度 越小越光滑但是渲染越慢open var flatness: CGFloat  // 默认值0.6/// 是否使用奇偶绕线规则open var usesEvenOddFillRule: Bool // Default is NO. When YES, the even-odd fill rule is used for drawing, clipping, and hit testing./// 设置虚线open func setLineDash(_ pattern: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, count: Int, phase: CGFloat)open func getLineDash(_ pattern: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>?, count: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>?, phase: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>?)// Path operations on the current graphics context/// 设置路径环境 比如设置颜色红色填充 UIColor.red.setFill()  之后path.fill()即可设置路径颜色open func fill()/// 设置填充环境 比如设置颜色蓝色填充 UIColor.blue.setStroke()  之后path.strocke()即可设置路径颜色open func stroke()// These methods do not affect the blend mode or alpha of the current graphics context/// 指定混合模式和透明度填充open func fill(with blendMode: CGBlendMode, alpha: CGFloat)/// 指定混合模式和透明度填充路径open func stroke(with blendMode: CGBlendMode, alpha: CGFloat)/// 与当前图形上下文的剪切路径相交于接收方路径所包围的区域,并使生成的形状为当前剪切路径[具体不太懂]open func addClip()





        let path = UIBezierPath(ovalIn: CGRect(x: 10, y: 40 , width: 100, height: 100))UIColor.red.setStroke()/// 虚线空白【是一个数组】var dashConfig: [CGFloat] = [3.0,4.0]//  注意参数形式使用的是地址  count 为虚线数组数量。 phase参数效果明白path.setLineDash(&dashConfig, count:dashConfig.count , phase: 0)path.stroke() // 这个一定要放在各种属性设置后面



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