FCN-rLSTM: Deep Spatio-Temporal Neural Networks for Vehicle Counting in City Cameras

利用监控相机来完成车辆计数,FCN+LSTM,使用 residual learning 将两者联系起来。FCN for pixel-level prediction and the strengths of LSTM for learning complex temporal dynamics

1) Low frame rate 低帧率 1 fps to 0.3 fps
2)低分辨率 352 × 240, 320 × 240 or 704 × 480
3)高遮挡 特别是交通拥堵时
4)Large perspective 导致车辆尺度范围大

3 FCN-rLSTM for vehicle counting
这里我们采用 FCN 将 dense (pixel-level) feature 映射为 车辆密度,避免了单个车辆的检测或跟踪。基于 FCN的密度估计 可以让我们输入任意分辨率的图像,输出车辆密度图和输入图像尺寸一样大小。当前基于密度的计数方法直接对密度图求和得到总数。这么做误差比较大,因为 large perspective and oversized vehicles (big bus or big truck),所以我们提出了 FCN-rLSTM network 来提高计数精度

3.1. FCN-rLSTM Model & Network Architecture

To accelerate training, FCN and LSTM are connected in a residual learning fashion as illustrated in Figure 4

3.2. Spatio-Temporal Multi-Task Learning
这里首先介绍了怎么生成训练样本的真值密度图,和人群计数的方法是一样的。 2D Gaussian kernels

4 Experiments
Different configurations of FCN-rLSTM

Results comparison on WebCamT

Results comparison on TRANCOS dataset

Estimated density map for multiple cameras

Results comparison on UCSD dataset

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