
areas where akka is being deployed into production


  • Event-driven. Using Actors, one can write code that handles requests asynchronously and employs(利用) non-blocking operations exclusively. 

  • Scalable. In Akka, adding nodes without having to modify the code is possible, thanks both to message passing and location transparency.

  • Resilient(有弹性的). Any application will encounter errors and fail at some point in time. Akka provides “supervision” (fault tolerance容错) strategies to facilitate a self-healing system. 

  • Responsive. Many of today’s high performance and rapid response applications need to give quick feedback to the user and therefore need to react to events in an extremely timely manner. Akka’s non-blocking, message-based strategy helps achieve this. 


Transaction processing (Online Gaming, Finance/Banking, Trading, Statistics, Betting, Social Media, Telecom)

Scale up, scale out, fault-tolerance(容错) / HA 

Service backend (any industry, any app)

Service REST, SOAP, Cometd, WebSockets etc Act as message hub / integration layer Scale up, scale

out, fault-tolerance / HA

Concurrency/parallelism (any app)

Correct Simple to work with and understand Just add the jars to your existing JVM project (use Scala,

Java, Groovy or JRuby)


Master/Worker, Compute Grid, MapReduce etc.

1.5. Use-case and Deployment Scenarios 7

Batch processing (any industry)

Camel integration to hook up with batch data sources Actors divide and conquer the batch workloads

Communications Hub (Telecom, Web media, Mobile media)

Scale up, scale out, fault-tolerance / HA

Gaming and Betting (MOM, online gaming, betting)

Scale up, scale out, fault-tolerance / HA

Business Intellig ence/Data Mining/g eneral purpose crunching

Scale up, scale out, fault-tolerance / HA

Complex Event Stream Processing

Scale up, scale out, fault-tolerance / HA


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