class Person:
     def __init__(self,name,sex):
          self.Name = name
          self.Sex = sex
     def ToString(self):
          return 'Name:'+self.Name+',Sex:'+self.Sex
>>> import Person
>>> per = Person('dnawo','man')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in <module>
    per = Person('dnawo','man')
TypeError: 'module' object is not callable
Python导入模块的方法有两种:import module 和 from module import,区别是前者所有导入的东西使用时需加上模块名的限定,而后者不要。
>>> import Person
>>> person = Person.Person('dnawo','man')
>>> print person.Name

>>> from Person import *
>>> person = Person('dnawo','man')
>>> print person.Name


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