

2016-2-26日:本周四,微软正式收购Xamarin,意图集成到Visual Studio、Microsoft Azure、Office 365和企业移动套件中,使用C#同时开发iOS、Android和Win10应用,Build2016将公布大招,有消息称微软为此花费4到5亿美元

微软负责云端和企业部门的执行副总裁 Scott Guthrie 宣布 软件巨人签署了收购 Xamarin 公司的协议。



既然被收购,下一步的规划肯定是跟微软现有的平台做集成工作,开发套件肯定向Visual Studio靠拢,而且微软也不大可能允许一个产品,出现两次授权,所以


看到国内的评论区,全是各种喷子吐槽,呵呵,不予置评。动不动拿微软各种失败的产品来对比:什么Silverlight、诺基亚 、WindowsPhone。。。。云云,各种喷,收购了,



难道因为这些公司出来了不好的产品,大家都不用百度 不用QQ 不用支付宝了吗?


从 史蒂夫·鲍尔默 这个家伙被撵走的时,



2013年8月23日 - 北京时间8月23日消息,微软当地时间周五早间宣布,该公司CEO史蒂夫·鲍尔默.........








又看到Scott 的博文:

Welcoming the Xamarin team to Microsoft

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Mobile Azure .NET Visual Studio

As the role of mobile devices in people's lives expands even further, mobile app developers have become a driving force for software innovation. At Microsoft, we are working to enable even greater developer innovation by providing the best experiences to all developers, on any device, with powerful tools, an open platform and a global cloud.

As part of this commitment I am pleased to announce today that Microsoft has signed an agreement to acquire Xamarin, a leading platform provider for mobile app development.

In conjunction with Visual Studio, Xamarin provides a rich mobile development offering that enables developers to build mobile apps using C# and deliver fully native mobile app experiences to all major devices – including iOS, Android, and Windows. Xamarin’s approach enables developers to take advantage of the productivity and power of .NET to build mobile apps, and to use C# to write to the full set of native APIs and mobile capabilities provided by each device platform. This enables developers to easily share common app code across their iOS, Android and Windows apps while still delivering fully native experiences for each of the platforms. Xamarin’s unique solution has fueled amazing growth for more than four years.

Xamarin has more than 15,000 customers in 120 countries, including more than one hundred Fortune 500 companies - and more than 1.3 million unique developers have taken advantage of their offering. Top enterprises such as Alaska Airlines, Coca-Cola Bottling, Thermo Fisher, Honeywell and JetBlue use Xamarin, as do gaming companies like SuperGiant Games and Gummy Drop. Through Xamarin Test Cloud, all types of mobile developers—C#, Objective-C, Java and hybrid app builders —can also test and improve the quality of apps using thousands of cloud-hosted phones and devices. Xamarin was recently named one of the top startups that help run the Internet.

Microsoft has had a longstanding partnership with Xamarin, and have jointly built Xamarin integration into Visual Studio, Microsoft Azure, Office 365 and our Enterprise Mobility Suite to provide developers with an end-to-end workflow for native, secure apps across platforms. We have also worked closely together to offer the training, tools, services and workflows developers need to succeed.

With today’s acquisition announcement we will be taking this work much further to make our world class developer tools and services even better with deeper integration and enable seamless mobile app dev experiences. The combination of Xamarin, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Team Services, and Azure delivers a complete mobile app dev solution that provides everything a developer needs to develop, test, deliver and instrument mobile apps for every device. We are really excited to see what you build with it.

We are looking forward to providing more information about our plans in the near future – starting at the Microsoft //Build conference coming up in a few weeks, followed by Xamarin Evolve in late April. Be sure to watch my Build keynote and get a front row seat at Evolve to learn more!



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