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The programming language Better And Portable Code (BAPC) is a language for working with lists of integers. The language has two built-in functions: ‘R’ (reverse) and ‘D’ (drop).
The function ‘R’ reverses its input list, and ’D’ drops the first element of its input and returns the rest, or gives an error in case its input is an empty list. To get more advanced behavior, functions can be composed: “AB” is the function that first applies ‘A’ to its input and then ‘B’ to the resulting list. For example, “RDD” is a function that reverses a list and then drops the first two elements.
Unfortunately, our BAPC interpreter has bit rotted, so we ask you to write a new one. Given a BAPC program and its input, return its output or “error” in case ‘D’ is applied to an empty list. Lists are represented as the character ‘[’ followed by a comma-separated list of integers followed by the character ‘]’. Notice that the input and output lists can be quite long.


On the first line one positive number: the number of test cases, at most 100. After that per test case:

  • one line with a string p (1 <= length(p) <= 100 000): a BAPC program, consisting of the characters ‘R’ and ‘D’.
  • one line with an integer n (0 <= n <= 100 000): the number of elements in the input.
  • one line with a list of n integers in the form [x1, ..., xn] (1 <= xi <= 100): the input list.


Per test case:

  • one line with the resulting integer list or “error” in case of an error.

Sample Input


Sample Output








是1到100,全部都当做1位数处理结果WA,重新审题后加入函数get_an_integer(int index,int count)来读取输入中的



 1 #include<iostream>
 2 using namespace std;
 4 const int Max_length=100000;
 7 string RD,input;
 8 int intergers[Max_length];
10 void get_an_interger(int &index,int &count);
12 int main(){
13     int testcases;
14     cin>>testcases;
15     while(testcases--){
16         int num_of_data;
17         cin>>RD>>num_of_data>>input;
18         int head=0,rear=num_of_data-1;
19         int len_of_RD=RD.length(),len_of_input=input.length();
20         bool reverse=false,error_exist=false;
21         int count=0;
22         for(int i=0;i<len_of_input;i++){
23             //scan the input to refine the integers and store them in array
24             if(input[i]>='1'&&input[i]<='9')
25                 get_an_interger(i,count);
26         }
27         if(count!=num_of_data)
28             cout<<"Wrong in get data"<<endl;
29         for(int i=0;i<len_of_RD;i++){
30             if(RD[i]=='R'){
31                 reverse=!reverse;
32             }else{
33                 if(num_of_data==0){
34                     cout<<"error"<<endl;
35                     error_exist=true;
36                     break;
37                 }else{
38                     if(reverse)
39                         rear--;
40                     else
41                         head++;
42                     num_of_data--;
43                 }
44             }
45         }
46         if(!error_exist){
47             cout<<'[';
48             if(num_of_data==0)
49                 cout<<']'<<endl;
50             if(reverse){
51                 for(int i=0;i<num_of_data;i++){
52                     if(i==num_of_data-1)
53                         cout<<intergers[rear-i]<<']'<<endl;
54                     else
55                         cout<<intergers[rear-i]<<',';
56                 }
57             }else{
58                 for(int i=0;i<num_of_data;i++){
59                     if(i==num_of_data-1)
60                         cout<<intergers[head+i]<<']'<<endl;
61                     else
62                         cout<<intergers[head+i]<<',';
63                 }
64             }
65         }
66     }
67     return 0;
68 }
69 void get_an_interger(int &index,int &count){
70     int interger=input[index]-'0';
71     index++;
72     while(input[index]>='0'&&input[index]<='9'){
73         interger=interger*10+input[index]-'0';
74         index++;
75     }
76     intergers[count]=interger;
77     count++;
78 }


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