本文翻译自:Split string into an array in Bash

In a Bash script I would like to split a line into pieces and store them in an array. 在Bash脚本中,我想将一条线分成几部分,并将它们存储在数组中。

The line: 该行:

Paris, France, Europe

I would like to have them in an array like this: 我想将它们放在这样的数组中:

array[0] = Paris
array[1] = France
array[2] = Europe

I would like to use simple code, the command's speed doesn't matter. 我想使用简单的代码,命令的速度无关紧要。 How can I do it? 我该怎么做?




IFS=', ' read -r -a array <<< "$string"

Note that the characters in $IFS are treated individually as separators so that in this case fields may be separated by either a comma or a space rather than the sequence of the two characters. 注意,在字符$IFS被单独视为分离器,使得在这种情况下,字段可以由逗号或空间而不是两个字符的序列中分离出来。 Interestingly though, empty fields aren't created when comma-space appears in the input because the space is treated specially. 但是有趣的是,当逗号空间出现在输入中时,不会创建空字段,因为空格是经过特殊处理的。

To access an individual element: 要访问单个元素:

echo "${array[0]}"

To iterate over the elements: 要遍历元素:

for element in "${array[@]}"
doecho "$element"

To get both the index and the value: 要同时获取索引和值:

for index in "${!array[@]}"
doecho "$index ${array[index]}"

The last example is useful because Bash arrays are sparse. 最后一个示例很有用,因为Bash数组稀疏。 In other words, you can delete an element or add an element and then the indices are not contiguous. 换句话说,您可以删除元素或添加元素,然后索引不连续。

unset "array[1]"

To get the number of elements in an array: 要获取数组中的元素数:

echo "${#array[@]}"

As mentioned above, arrays can be sparse so you shouldn't use the length to get the last element. 如上所述,数组可以是稀疏的,因此您不应使用长度来获取最后一个元素。 Here's how you can in Bash 4.2 and later: 这是在Bash 4.2及更高版本中的操作方法:

echo "${array[-1]}"

in any version of Bash (from somewhere after 2.05b): 在任何版本的Bash中(从2.05b之后的版本开始):

echo "${array[@]: -1:1}"

Larger negative offsets select farther from the end of the array. 较大的负偏移量选择距数组末端较远的位置。 Note the space before the minus sign in the older form. 请注意在较早的形式中减号之前的空格。 It is required. 它是必需的。


Sometimes it happened to me that the method described in the accepted answer didn't work, especially if the separator is a carriage return. 有时候,我碰巧接受的答案中描述的方法不起作用,尤其是当分隔符为回车符时。
In those cases I solved in this way: 在那种情况下,我以这种方式解决了:

string='first line
second line
third line'oldIFS="$IFS"
IFS=${IFS:0:1} # this is useful to format your code with tabs
lines=( $string )
IFS="$oldIFS"for line in "${lines[@]}"doecho "--> $line"


Here is a way without setting IFS: 这是一种无需设置IFS的方法:

set -f                      # avoid globbing (expansion of *).
array=(${string//:/ })
for i in "${!array[@]}"
doecho "$i=>${array[i]}"

The idea is using string replacement: 这个想法是使用字符串替换:


to replace all matches of $substring with white space and then using the substituted string to initialize a array: 将$ substring的所有匹配项替换为空格,然后使用替换的字符串初始化数组:

(element1 element2 ... elementN)

Note: this answer makes use of the split+glob operator . 注意:此答案使用split + glob运算符 。 Thus, to prevent expansion of some characters (such as * ) it is a good idea to pause globbing for this script. 因此,为防止某些字符(例如* )扩展,暂停此脚本的遍历是一个好主意。


UPDATE: Don't do this, due to problems with eval. 更新:由于评估问题,请勿执行此操作。

With slightly less ceremony: 用更少的仪式:

IFS=', ' eval 'array=($string)'

eg 例如

string="foo, bar,baz"
IFS=', ' eval 'array=($string)'
echo ${array[1]} # -> bar


a=($(echo "$t" | tr ',' '\n'))
echo "${a[2]}"

Prints three 打印三张


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