
11. IP Address
11.1. Gateway11.2. hosts
11.2.1. hostnamectl - Control the system hostname
11.3. bonding11.4. brctl
12. Firewall
12.1. firewalld
12.1.1. firewall-cmd
12.2. 如果你不习惯使用firewalld想用回Iptables
13. INND14. Piranha - Cluster administation tools
14.1. install14.2. configure14.3. real server14.4. Example
14.4.1. Master14.4.2. Slave14.4.3. MySQL
15. NFS
15.1. NFS Server Configuration
15.1.1. NFS 防火墙配置
15.2. NFS Client Configuration
15.2.1. Using NFS over UDP
15.3. NFS For Windows15.4. exportfs - maintain table of exported NFS file systems
16. Synchronizes system time using the Network Time Protocol (NTP)
16.1. ntpd - Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon16.2. ntp client
17. openvpn - secure IP tunnel daemon.18. vsftpd - Very Secure FTP Daemon19. Samba20. Memcache
20.1. source code20.2. yum install
21. radiusd - Authentication, Authorization and Accounting server
21.1. 安装 radiusd21.2. 802.1

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原文出处:Netkiller 系列 手札

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