todoist 无法登陆

In this intermediate React course from Karl Hadwen, you will learn how to create the popular Todoist application from scratch using React, Custom Hooks, Firebase & the React Testing Library. You will lean how to use SCSS to style the application and how to use the BEM naming methodology.

在Karl Hadwen的中间React课程中,您将学习如何使用React,Custom Hooks,Firebase和React Testing库从头开始创建流行的Todoist应用程序。 您将学习如何使用SCSS设置应用程序样式以及如何使用BEM命名方法。

This application is fully responsive. You will see how to use Lighthouse (Chrome extension) to make sure your website is fully accessible by getting all accessibility features integrated into our application.

此应用程序是完全响应的。 通过将所有辅助功能集成到我们的应用程序中,您将了解如何使用Lighthouse(Chrome扩展程序)来确保您的网站完全可访问。

First, you will see how to initialize the application using create-react-app as the base. Then, you will learn how to build out the application using React (Custom Hooks, Context), Firebase & the React Testing Library (unit & integration testing). You will even lean how to add dark mode!

首先,您将看到如何使用create-react-app作为基础来初始化应用程序。 然后,您将学习如何使用React(自定义挂钩,上下文),Firebase和React测试库(单元和集成测试)来构建应用程序。 您甚至将学习如何添加黑暗模式!

You can watch the full video course on the YouTube channel (8 hour watch).

您可以在 YouTube频道上观看完整的视频课程 (观看8小时)。


todoist 无法登陆

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