
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class normal_pointer_example
class normal_pointer_wrong{};//normal_pointer_wrong异常
bool quit;
void quit_func()
{if(quit==true)cout<<"调用quit_func函数!\n";throw normal_pointer_wrong();
int main()
{try{normal_pointer_example *Npointer=new normal_pointer_example;quit=true;quit_func();delete Npointer;}catch (normal_pointer_wrong){cout<<"输出normal_pointer_wrong异常!!\n";}return 0;




  1 template<class _Ty>  2     class auto_ptr  3         {    // wrap an object pointer to ensure destruction  4 public:  5     typedef _Ty element_type;  6   7     explicit auto_ptr(_Ty *_Ptr = 0) _THROW0()  8         : _Myptr(_Ptr)  9         {    // construct from object pointer 10         } 11  12     auto_ptr(auto_ptr<_Ty>& _Right) _THROW0() 13         : _Myptr(_Right.release()) 14         {    // construct by assuming pointer from _Right auto_ptr 15         } 16  17     auto_ptr(auto_ptr_ref<_Ty> _Right) _THROW0() 18         {    // construct by assuming pointer from _Right auto_ptr_ref 19         _Ty *_Ptr = _Right._Ref; 20         _Right._Ref = 0;    // release old 21         _Myptr = _Ptr;    // reset this 22         } 23  24     template<class _Other> 25         operator auto_ptr<_Other>() _THROW0() 26         {    // convert to compatible auto_ptr 27         return (auto_ptr<_Other>(*this)); 28         } 29  30     template<class _Other> 31         operator auto_ptr_ref<_Other>() _THROW0() 32         {    // convert to compatible auto_ptr_ref 33         _Other *_Cvtptr = _Myptr;    // test implicit conversion 34         auto_ptr_ref<_Other> _Ans(_Cvtptr); 35         _Myptr = 0;    // pass ownership to auto_ptr_ref 36         return (_Ans); 37         } 38  39  40     template<class _Other> 41         auto_ptr<_Ty>& operator=(auto_ptr<_Other>& _Right) _THROW0() 42         {    // assign compatible _Right (assume pointer) 43         reset(_Right.release()); 44         return (*this); 45         } 46  47     template<class _Other> 48         auto_ptr(auto_ptr<_Other>& _Right) _THROW0() 49         : _Myptr(_Right.release()) 50         {    // construct by assuming pointer from _Right 51         } 52  53     auto_ptr<_Ty>& operator=(auto_ptr<_Ty>& _Right) _THROW0() 54         {    // assign compatible _Right (assume pointer) 55         reset(_Right.release()); 56         return (*this); 57         } 58  59     auto_ptr<_Ty>& operator=(auto_ptr_ref<_Ty> _Right) _THROW0() 60         {    // assign compatible _Right._Ref (assume pointer) 61         _Ty *_Ptr = _Right._Ref; 62         _Right._Ref = 0;    // release old 63         reset(_Ptr);    // set new 64         return (*this); 65         } 66  67     ~auto_ptr() 68         {    // destroy the object 69         delete _Myptr; 70         } 71  72     _Ty& operator*() const _THROW0() 73         {    // return designated value 74  75  #if _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING 76         if (_Myptr == 0) 77             _DEBUG_ERROR("auto_ptr not dereferencable"); 78  #endif /* _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING */ 79  80         __analysis_assume(_Myptr); 81  82         return (*get()); 83         } 84  85     _Ty *operator->() const _THROW0() 86         {    // return pointer to class object 87  88  #if _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING 89         if (_Myptr == 0) 90             _DEBUG_ERROR("auto_ptr not dereferencable"); 91  #endif /* _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING */ 92  93         return (get()); 94         } 95  96     _Ty *get() const _THROW0() 97         {    // return wrapped pointer 98         return (_Myptr); 99         }100 101     _Ty *release() _THROW0()102         {    // return wrapped pointer and give up ownership103         _Ty *_Tmp = _Myptr;104         _Myptr = 0;105         return (_Tmp);106         }107 108     void reset(_Ty* _Ptr = 0)109         {    // destroy designated object and store new pointer110         if (_Ptr != _Myptr)111             delete _Myptr;112         _Myptr = _Ptr;113         }114 115 private:116     _Ty *_Myptr;    // the wrapped object pointer117     };118 _STD_END


{   // destroy the objectdelete _Myptr;


_Ty *_Myptr;


auto_ptr<string> p (new string);



#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;
class normal_pointer_example
class normal_pointer_wrong{};//normal_pointer_wrong异常
bool quit;
void quit_func()
{if(quit==true)cout<<"调用quit_func函数!\n";throw normal_pointer_wrong();
int main()
{try{auto_ptr<normal_pointer_example> Apointer (new normal_pointer_example);quit=true;quit_func();//delete Npointer;}catch (normal_pointer_wrong){cout<<"输出normal_pointer_wrong异常!!\n";}return 0;





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