装完Oracle 12c,想体验下EM Express,缺发现不能用,应该怎么办?12c的EM 不再像以前版本配置那么麻烦,当然提供的功能也没有那么多了,只需要启用对应端口即可,请看:

To manually configure the HTTPS port for EM Express:

1. Configure and start the Oracle Net Listener (the listener). You can use lsnrctl to start, stop, and view the status of the listener.

2. If the listener is running on a nonstandard port (for example, not 1521), then the init.ora file for the database you want to manage using EM Express must contain a local_listener entry so that the HTTPS port can register with the correc

listener. The local_listener entry references a TNSNAMES entry that points to the correct listener. For example:


where inst1 is a TNSNAMES entry defined in tnsnames.ora that points to the listener. For example:


In this example, 1234 is the nonstandard port on which the listener has been configured to listen.

3. Enable the TCP dispatcher by adding the following entry to the init.ora file for the database you want to manage using EM Express:


For example, if the database SID is ORCL, then the entry would be:


4. Restart the database so that the changes made in the init.ora file take effect.

5. Use the PL/SQL procedure DBMS_XDB_CONFIG.SETHTTPSPORT to set the HTTPS port for EM Express. This will update the HTTPS port in the xdbconfig.xml file in the Oracle XML DB Repository. You must connect as SYS / AS SYSDBA to run the procedure. For example:


6. To access EM Express, enter a URL in the following format in a Web browser:


For example:


When prompted for your username and password, log in as a user with DBA privilege (such as SYSTEM).




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